Friday, May 11, 2007

Here are the minutes from our last meeting (tear) of the 2006-2007 year.

Treasurer’s Report

T-shirt Update
The reprints for the Ag Day t-shirts have been ordered. They should be ready by banquet next week. The people who ordered t-shirts are:
Alicia Greenwalt, Matt Mullin, Chelsea Berdolt, Ani Gibbons, Alli Goodman, Robert Morgan, Kristen Miner, Sarah Mainardi, Genia Poltorak, Janet St. Amand.

Banquet is next week Weds at 5:30 at Kate’s. We will be upstairs, so just go straight up when you get there. Dress is classy (khakis/slacks with appropriate shirts for guys, skirts/sundresses for girls.) It costs $10, please get your money to Danielle as soon as possible. If you are definitely NOT going to banquet, email either me or Danielle ( or

Award Nominations
At banquet, we give awards to deserving members. Today, we nominated and voted for Outstanding Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior and Rookie, and for the Hardest Worker at Ag Day, and Most Enthusiastic Member. Votes were given to our advisors and will be announced at banquet.

Please email either Stacy or Michelle (sgreen@udel.ed or your address for next year so they can add you to our alumni list, and please keep in touch!

Senior Gifts
If you would like to help with our senior awards please email me (!

New Officers
Today were speeches and voting for our new executive board. Here are our new officers:
President: Danielle Smarsh
Vice President: Jen Puttress
Treasurer: Dawn Lenihan
Secretary: Katie Koenig
Historian: Michelle Lapera and Stacy Green
Congratulations to everyone!

Other Announcements
If you are interested in a CD of our club pictures from this year, please email Stacy ( An example of our pictures should be shown in slide show form during the banquet.
Advisor Appreciation Luncheon will be held on Reading Day (May 17th) starting at 11:30. Please make every effort to be there to show support to our faculty.

On a personal note, I would like to thank everyone for a fantastic year. Goodbye and good luck to our seniors, and I will see everyone either next week or next year!


Monday, May 07, 2007

Hey everyone, here are the minutes from the meeting held on 5/2/2007

Treasurer’s Report

The reprint shirts have been ordered, here are the people getting shirts:
Alicia Greenwalt
Matt Mullin
Chelsea Berdolt
Ani Gibbons
Alli Goodman
Robert Morgan
Kristen Miner
Sarah Mainardi
Genia Pultorak
Janet St. Amand
The shirts should be in by banquet.

Ag Day Recap
Ag Day went very well. We had a dairy cow and calf, two ewes and four lambs, and four piglets. The animals were a big hit as was the face painting. We discussed what we did well and what can be improved for next year. We also came in second for our display. We made about $421 in donations!

With the money that we got from donations at Ag Day, we were able to drop the banquet price from $15 to $10. If you are planning on going to banquet, please bring your $10 by next week.

Officer Nominations
We had officer nominations this week. In order to be nominated, you must be an active member (if you have questions about active member status, please email me Also, in order to run for president you must have either served for one semester as a committee chair or officer. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, email me, and we will make sure it is seconded next week before we have speeches and voting. Also, if you were nominated in absentia and would like to decline, email me and I will take you off the list. Here are our current nominations:

Danielle Smarsh
Erin Stough

Vice President:
Jen Puttress
Lisa Brody
Lorna Dougherty
Jessie Bussainich

Dawn Lenihan
Kyle Clark
Robert Gooden

Chelsea Berdolt
Katie Koenig
Vincent Baldanza
Allison Jervis

Historian (2)
Michelle Lapera
Stacy Green

Other Business
AgCC Advisor Appreciation
Please nominate you academic or club advisors. Here are the guidelines for the short essay that is needed. Please either email your submission to Casey at, or put them in the AgCC box in 104 TNS.
Requirements (no more than 500 words):
1. Any positive and lasting impacts the nominee has had on your life.
2. How knowledgeable and helpful the advisor is about programs and opportunities for students / clubs.
3. How active the nominee is in maintaining regular contact with students / club members.
4. Any specific attributes or personal experiences that have set this advisor apart from others you may have.
AgCC Officer Nominations
Officer nominations are available in the AgCC box in 104 TNS. All seven positions are open, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and 3 Members at Large. If you have any questions email Jen, Jenna, Danielle, or Stacy at,,, or respectively.

Senior Gifts
If you have any ideas for senior gifts or would like to be on the senior gift committee, please email me with the times you would be available to help out next week. We need the committee set up by the end of the day tomorrow!!

Have a good weekend