Thursday, February 28, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 2/27/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. We had a little recap from NESA, congratulations to those who placed!

III. Committee events updates
o Pre-vet: Waiting on dates for a trip to the Philly Zoo as well as a visit from an exotic veterinarian
o Livestock: Waiting on a date for a tour of the new UD milking parlor
o Service: We are helping at Steve Cook’s farm on Sunday, March 16th. We will have sign-ups at an upcoming meeting.
o Fundraising: Anticipating a carwash when the weather gets warmer
o Social: Instead of a meeting in Memorial next week, we are holding a short meeting at California Tortilla and then a social dinner 

IV. Banquet
Our end of the year banquet is scheduled, so mark it on your calendars! It is on the last day of classes, Wednesday, May 21st. It will be at 6:00pm at Kate’s on Main Street.

V. Ag Day!
o Ag Day is on Saturday, April 26th, from 10am-4pm.
o The theme will be Sustaining Life from Soil to Sky.
o We are collecting T-shirt ideas now for the “Top 10 Reasons We Love Animal Science”. We also need a color scheme for the shirts. Please email Jen ( with any sayings/color ideas, and she can compile them and bring them to attention at upcoming meetings.
o We are planning on having dairy cattle, sheep, and chickens (plus a Blue Hen) at our site. Plus, Dr. Griffiths suggested we could possibly use her pigmy goats and possibly one of her horses for our display as well.
o We will check the posters from last year to see which ones can be reused, and plan to make new ones for this year.
o We are also planning on having demonstrations throughout the day including sheep sheering, sheep hoof trimming, and cow milking.
o Facepainting will be available for the kids.
o We will discuss and vote next week on whether or not we should make balloon animals as well.
o Remember, to be an active member of the club, you must help one shift at Ag Day. Signups will circulate at the meeting 2 weeks from now.

VI. We held nominations and elections for a new Social Chair position. Dan Lantz is now our new Social Committee Chair for the rest of the year, congratulations!

VII. There were three important announcements at the end of our meeting. They are as follows:
o Tomorrow, Thursday, February 28th, is the AgCC Ag Spring Social! There will be free pizza and soda, and everyone in the Ag College is invited. It will be in the Trabant Multipurpose Room B from 6:30-8:30pm, hope to see you there!
o Ag Ambassador applications are due this Friday, February 29th. Please bring them to 104 Townsend. If you have any questions, email Jen (
o PROUD is holding a fundraiser at Friendly’s (down South College Ave) on Tuesday, March 4th. The club needs at least 100 people to come purchase something, even if it is a soda or scoop of ice cream, to get proceeds. Please come out to help out your fellow club members Cheri and Rocket!

**Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 5th at 6pm. Remember, we are meeting at California Tortilla on Main Street instead of Memorial Hall for a dinner meeting!**

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 2/20/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. We went over the requirements to be an active member. They are as follows:
o Members are required to attend at least 75% of the meetings each semester, unless extenuating circumstances prohibit attendance.
o All members must participate in at least one fundraising project and one community service activity each semester.
o Members must help with at least one shift at Ag Day (2 hours).
o Members must serve on at least one committee each semester.
o All members must pay dues.

III. Club Sweatshirts
We have to have a design and colors ready go by March 26th, so we can order them in time. If you have any ideas or suggestions for either, email Michelle ( and let her know what you think please.

IV. Club Newsletter
Stacy and Michelle released the rough copy for our club newsletter. The club revised it and it is now almost ready to go!

V. Constitution
Attached to this same email is the current club constitution with comments on it. We are planning on voting about these changes at next week’s meeting. Please read over it, and email Jen ( with any comments or concerns.

VI. Kickball Tourney
AgCC is sponsoring a kickball tournament, and we are going to try to put together a team or two to compete! We can make our own shirts and go up against other clubs to make Animal Science Club proud! Date and time to be announced at a later date.

VII. Ag Day T-shirts
We decided that the colors for the Ag Day shirts will be brown with light blue writing. If you have ideas or feelings on this, email Marissa ( and let her know!

VIII. Committee reports and upcoming events
o Livestock: Susan Garey volunteered to talk to us and take us to the Delaware Racetrack for a behind-the-scenes look. Also, we are scheduling a tour of UD’s new milking parlor.
o Service: We will be helping Steve Cook at his farm again this March on either the 15th or 16th. We will also have a speaker from AgrAbility come talk to us. Later in May, a possible clean-up of Webb Farm is in order and/or a White Clay Creek clean up. Also, there is interest in Relay for Life on May 3rd.
o Pre-Vet: An exotic vet is planning on coming to talk with us in March, possibly followed by a surgeon. Also, the Philly Zoo trip is being planned as well as the UPenn vet panel.
o Fundraising: Plans for a Car Wash are scheduled for April sometime, as well as maybe a fundraiser at Ag Day or on Main Street.
o Social: The meeting on March 5th is going to be a dinner-meeting somewhere close. We will vote on the location next week, so think of places you’d like to go! Also, we were thinking about having a movie night, a picnic when it gets warmer, a bowling or ice skating night, and/or and ice cream social. Lots of fun things coming up!

**Our next meeting will be Wednesday, February 27th. It will be held in the old room MEMORIAL 111 at 6:00pm. Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 2/13/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. We went over the requirements to be an active member. They are as follows:
o Members are required to attend at least 75% of the meetings each semester, unless extenuating circumstances prohibit attendance.
o All members must participate in at least one fundraising project and one community service activity each semester.
o Members must help with at least one shift at Ag Day (2 hours).
o Members must serve on at least one committee each semester.
o All members must pay dues.

III. Tentative events for Spring ’08 were discussed. So far…
o Livestock: Delaware Park Races on a Sunday afternoon; Tour of the UD Dairy milking parlor
o Service: Steve Cook trip in March or May; AgrAbility Speaker; White Clay Creek clean-up
o Fundraising: Car wash on a weekend in April
o Pre-vet: Trip to the Philly Zoo with behind the scenes; UPenn Vet student panel
o Social: Dinner at Ali Baba or on Main Street
o Other: Possibly a bowling night

IV. Ag Day!
o Will be held on April 26th, from 10am-4pm so write it on your calendars!
o Set-up will start at 9am, and clean-up will go until 5pm.
o Shifts are 2 hours long each: 9-11am, 11-1pm, 1-3pm, 3-5pm.
o This year’s theme is: Sustaining Life from Soil to Sky
o We will have sheep (shearing and hoof trimming), a dairy cow (milking) and dairy calf, and chickens.
o We will use some old posters from past Ag Days, but we will have to make a few more – including one on the new UD milking parlor.
o We will also have face painting and possibly balloon animals (Dan Lantz is willing to teach those who want to make balloon animals).
o We are also getting t-shirts made, with the theme “Top 10 Reasons You Know You are an Animal Science Major”. Think of suggestions for reasons and bring them to later meetings for voting and/or discussion, because we need to have a final design by 3/19.
o Remember, to be an active member in the club, you must help one shift!

V. End of the year banquet
The banquet will be held this year at Kate’s on Main Street again because it worked out so well there last year. It will either be held the last day of classes, 5/21, or the Friday beforehand, 5/16, so keep your schedules open 
More information to be announced on a later date.

VI. Club Sweatshirts
Since there is an interest in Animal Science Club sweatshirts, we should decide on a design by March 26th. They will be black with bright/light blue writing, with our club name on the front and a design on the back. The design is up for debate, so bring your ideas to the next couple meetings or email them to Michelle at

VII. Constitution revisions
The club constitution is currently being revised, and it must be done by this spring. Each change that is made must be voted upon by the whole club, so we will begin to vote and discuss changes in the upcoming meetings. When it is completed, I will send out a completely revised copy.

If you are attending NESA, remember that we are leaving Friday, February 22nd at 4pm from Lot 19. So far, Katie K, Dan L, Sarah M, and Lorna D can drive – if you can drive, please let me know at We will return around lunchtime on Sunday, February 24th.

Our meeting time has changed to 6:00pm!

So, our next meeting will be Wednesday, February 20th at 6pm in Memorial 122. There will be committee meetings. (If you aren’t in a committee yet, you can join one then.)

And don’t forget to check out our site: