Thursday, March 19, 2009

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/18/09

I. Treasurer’s Report:
o Inside account: $874.71

II. Baltimore Aquarium Recap
We went to the Baltimore Aquarium this past Saturday. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed walking around, seeing the Dolphin Show, and getting the “4-D Experience”. If anyone has parking receipts that need to be reimbursed, please hand them into Dawn as soon as possible. If you have pictures from this event, please email them to our historians, Ally ( or Michelle ( You can also put them on a CD or flash drive and bring them to a meeting.

III. Ag Day T-shirts
o They are $8 each.
o The money is due no later than next Wednesday, March 25th.
o If you have not signed up for one and still want to, you can either sign up next week and pay at the same time, or email me ( with your name and shirt size to speed up the process.

IV. Next meeting details:
o Dr. Dallatore (an exotics veterinarian) and Dr. Kate (a canine physical therapist) from Windcrest Animal Hospital are coming to speak with us.

V. 3K “Green Mile” Run:
As a club, we eventually decided not to donate any of our money to the run until we get more information. Then, we will revote.

VI. Committee meetings were held. The following events are being planned:
o Pre-vet: Questions for next week’s meeting are being brainstormed, so we can be prepared to have a Q&A session after the talks.
o Service: Relay for Life on May 2nd.
o Livestock: Philly Zoo trip; trip to an alpaca farm; farm cleanup.
o Social: Laser Tag on April 18th; end of the year Banquet at Kildare’s.
o Fundraising: Friendly’s fundraiser; Main Street fundraiser.

VII. Sign Ups:
o Laser Tag: Saturday, April 18th. Meeting in Lot 19 at 4pm to carpool. It will be $12 for 40 minutes of laser tag, 10 tokens, and 1 soda. The sign up will be available next week, but if you would like to sign up over email, email me ( with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive/how many.
o Relay for Life: Saturday, May 2nd. You must sign up on paper and online. The website is, and search for “Animal Science Club”. Registration is $5 for now, and will move up to $10 after a certain date. We will give more information out on this event at later meetings. If you are interested and would like to get on the list, it will be available next week, or you can email me (kkoenig@udel.ed) with your name and cell phone number.

VII. Announcements:
o There is a job opening for an international project here at UD this summer as an RA/TA for foreign students. It would run roughly from June 28th–August 10th. Please email Dr. Griffiths ( if you are interested or have any questions.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/11/09

Tonight, we met at Grotto’s Pizza on Main Street to support AgCC’s fundraising efforts!

I. Ag Day T-shirts
o They will be $8 each. The money is due no later than March 25th.
o Sign ups started today, and will be available at next week’s meeting as well. If you would like to sign up for one over email, please email me ( with your name and size.

II. Baltimore Aquarium Trip
o This Saturday, March 14th.
o We are meeting in Lot 19 to carpool, and leaving at 10am sharp. We plan to enter the aquarium at noon, watch the dolphin show at 1:30pm, and a movie at 2:15pm. Leaving time is estimated to be 3pm.
o It will be $16.95 per person. You must have your money (exact change preferred, aka $17) when you arrive at Lot 19.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 18th.
It will be at 5:30pm in 111 Memorial Hall.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/4/09

I. Treasurer’s Report:
o Inside account: $1059.79

o If you have any receipts from NESA, please bring them to Dawn so you can be reimbursed.

II. NESA Recap
This past weekend was really fun. We stayed in 2 different hotels and woke up early every morning, so it was quite tiring as well. We competed in livestock judging (the mystery animals were Labrador Retrievers), Quiz Bowl, paper presentations, and original research. We had a great banquet, and some of us braved the dance (aka hoedown) afterwards.
We had a lot of winners this year, including:
o 9th Place in Quiz Bowl: Adam, Sarah, Seth, Kelly
o 4th Place in Quiz Bowl: Dan, Dawn, Kim, Julia, Amanda
o 2nd Place in original research: Lorna
o Livestock judging improved overall!

III. Ag Day!
o T-shirts: The design chosen will be a cow and chickens with the saying “Brown Chicken Brown Cow” on the back, with the circular crest on the front left. The colors will be a light blue shirt with brown writing and pictures. We will begin sign ups next week.
o Animals: Each committee will need to make a poster for each type of animal. This is be completed by the end of March.
o Balloon animal training: Dan will teach anyone interested how to make balloon animals after a regular meeting sometime in April.
o Shifts for Ag Day will be as follows: 8:30–10am, 10–12pm, 12–2pm, 2–4:30pm. There will also be a shift the Friday before for general setup. We will start sign ups on March 25th, so please try to have an idea what shift you can do by then.

IV. Committee Chair updates:
o Pre-Vet:
 Baltimore Aquarium trip on Saturday, March 14th. It will be $16.95 per person to see the aquarium, dolphin show, and behind the scenes. We are leaving Lot 19 at 10am, and enter the aquarium at 12:30pm. If you would like to sign up via email, please email Katie ( with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive/how many.
 Dr. Dallatore (exotics vet) and Kate Christian (animal physical therapist) will be speaking at our meeting on March 25th.
 UPenn vet panel on Thursday, April 9th from 5–7pm. It will probably be in Memorial Hall, but it is not yet determined.
o Livestock:
 Susan Garey will be speaking at our meeting on April 29th.
o Fundraising:
 Sally from AgrAbility will be speaking in Townsend on Wednesday, April 15th. We are going to listen instead of a normal meeting.

V. Announcements:
o If anyone has any pictures from NESA or last semester’s trip to Steve Cook’s farm, please email them to Michelle ( or Ally ( so they can be included in our club scrapbook.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 11th.
We are meeting at 5:30pm at Grotto’s Pizza on Main Street to support AgCC.
See you there!