Monday, October 31, 2005

Hey Animal Science Club!

Here's the minutes from last week's meeting on 10/26:

Treasurer's Report
account: $1474.38

Budget Requests
Jen Puttress made a request to the club to put aside a budget that would cover costs associated with printing digital pictures for the Animal Science Club scrapbook. (It was suggested to keep copies of club pictures on CD in the ANSC Club cabinet.) Jodi Lasko also requested a budget allowance that will cover the costs associated with printing/mailing the club's annual alumni Newsletter. They will present itemized budgets at the next meeting in order for club approval. (Note: As per the ANSC Club's Constitution, expenditures greater than $50 need to be voted on.)

All those who were present at the meeting got to be in our Club picture that will be on our webpage. Jodi wanted to remind the club that if you don't like a specific picture of you being on the ANSC Club webpage, please let Jodi know and she'll kindly remove it. Also, if you have any good snapshots from club events, please give them to one of our historians. (Jodi at or Jen at You can check out our club's webpage at

Haunted Hayride and Commitment Remarks
Thanks again everyone who helped out with the Hayride! We made $300 from ticket sales, but our net profit from the event is still being calculated. If anyone has any receipts concerning Hayride purchases, please get them to Matt.
We were very impressed with our members' overall commitment to the Haunted Hayride weekend. You guys came out and gave it your all, in spite of the lousy weather. Also, not enough can be said about the awesome turnout by our Freshmen members! Our new members' dedication and commitment to the club surpasses previous year's, and the entire club is benefiting from our new members. However, with that said, a few words concerning club commitment was necessary. Our members are the sole body of this club--and although we want to have fun, this requires a certain level of commitment. If you say that you will do something, or if you sign up for an event, the club expects you to follow through with your commitment. In fact, a member will receive negative points for an event if he/she fails to attend an event that he/she had signed up for. Dan Severson also remarked that he has "never gotten a job because of his college gpa." He said that it is all about working well with others and proving that you can stick to your commitments. It's important to get into good habits now, because future employers and review panels will definitely notice your previous club involvements. Also, professors who are writing your letters of recommendation can say little about the 4.0 student who was inactive outside of the classroom. We just ask our members to keep these things in mind concerning their activity and level of commitment to the Animal Science Club.

Committee Reports
Pre Vet: The club decided that we will be going to the Brandywine Zoo on November 13th, and tentatively meeting in the Russell parking lot at 9:30am. We decided on the Brandywine Zoo instead of the Philly Zoo, because the Philly Zoo's Big Cat exhibit won't come out until next Spring, and also the Brandywine Zoo is cheaper, closer, and has a special Discovery Tours event.
Fundraising: Matt is still in the process of contacting Dr. Emara about planting plants for our Plant Sale.
Social: Instead of our November 2nd meeting, we will be going out to Damon's Grill for dinner. A sign-up sheet was passed around for those interested in going. If you couldn't make the meeting, but would like to go to Damon's, please email Jenna at We will be leaving from the Russell parking lot at 6pm!
Service: Our AgrAbility speaker will talk to the club about AgrAbility on Tuesday, Nov 22nd at 6:15pm. This will take place instead of the club's regularly scheduled meeting for Wednesday, Nov 23rd. (Please take notice to this change!) Also, Danielle is still in the process of contacting Steve Cook about our service/livestock judging activity on his farm
Livestock: We ended the meeting with a friendly Regionals Quiz Bowl question game. Good job, everyone! (And congratulations to everyone who remembers more about livestock nutrition than the Seniors do--Carolyn excluded.)

Food Drive
There will be a Food Drive in Trabant on November 22nd. The ANSC Club would like to participate in this event, so we encourage our members to bring non-perishable foods (no bottled water, please) to our November 16th meeting. Reminders will be sent out when this event gets closer.

Animal Science Regionals will be taking place in Amherst, MA from Feb 24th to Feb 26th. There is a registration fee of $55, and there will also be additional costs for transportation and hotel accommodations. Fees and forms are due by Jan 13th, so we ask our members to please start thinking about if you would like to participate in Regionals! Also, there is an Individual Research competition with a 1st place prize of $150. So, if you conduct undergraduate research, you may want to think about submitting an abstract and presenting your research at Regionals. (Last year, one of our graduating club members received 1st place in the research competition! I also received 3rd/4th place recognition.)

Alright, guys. That's it from last week's meeting. Remember that there will not be a club meeting this week (11/2), and instead, we are going to Damon's! Have a Happy Halloween, everyone!

ANSC Club Secretary

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