Friday, December 01, 2006

Here are the minutes for our last business meeting of the semester

Treasurer’s Report


Steve Cook sent a thank you email to the club thanking us for all of our hard work.

Amazon Gift Wrapping Fundraiser

Due to some confusion, we will not be able to do gift wrapping this Sunday. This has been changed to Thursday, 7th (reading day) from 9am to 1pm. If you are able to go, please email Danielle at Those going will meet in the Russell Lot at 8:30 on Thursday morning.

Longwood Gardens

Our meeting next week will be our annual Christmas trip to Longwood Gardens. Two graduate students from the Longwood Gardens Graduate program will be giving us a tour. We will also be getting 20 free tickets. If you are still interested in going, please email me ( We will be meeting at 5 in the Russell Lot next Weds. We will be leaving at 5:15 at the latest, so please be there at time.


Regionals will be held from Feb 23-25 at Penn State. Registration is approximately $55. Hotels are usually about $70/night, plus a little pocket money for food during travel days (all food on Saturday is provided). If you are interested in going to regionals, email Jenna (

Holiday Dinner

Our holiday dinner will be on December 9th at 6:30 at Dr. Griffiths house. Please email me if you are interested in attending. If you do go, it is suggested you bring a gift (no more than $5-7) for a gift exchange.

That’s it for the semester. Good luck on finals, and have a happy holidays!


1 comment:

Marinerfnwl said...

The P57 mimics the effects of glucose but at a higher potency. A - Heighten your awareness of how saturated fat truly operates within the body. This plant has some rows of thorns present along its stem, bearing flesh colored flowers. It has been anecdotally reported that they can curb their appetites for about a period of 24 hours by chewing on hoodia. For Hoodia consumers, one of the challenges includes determining the right dosage and what form will work best for them.