Thursday, October 18, 2007

Animal Science Club Minutes 10/17/07

I. Treasurer’s Report:
account: $1019.13

II. Dues:
There are still a handful of people who have not turned in dues to Dawn yet. It is $15 for new members, and $10 for returning members. Remember, you must pay dues to be an active member of the club. If you haven’t turned them in yet, please get them to Dawn as soon as possible, preferably by the next meeting.

III. Ag Carnival was recapped. We made $453 for AgrAbility through the auction and one of our teams placed 2nd overall! It was a beautiful day and everyone had a great time, thanks for coming out!
Our social outing to Damon’s Grill was recapped as well.

IV. Milburn Orchards:
We are going to go to Milburn Orchards this Saturday, October 20th! There will be apple picking, pumpkin picking, and other fun fall activities. We will be meeting in Lot 19 at 12 noon to carpool, and will be leaving at 12:15pm sharp.
***If you want to go and haven’t signed up, please email me with your name, cell number, and if you can drive/how many by Friday afternoon!

V. Halloween Party:
On Halloween, Wednesday, October 31st, we are having a Halloween pot luck dinner at Danielle and Jen’s house! It will be at 6:30pm, and costumes are required! An interest sign up sheet was passed around at tonight’s meeting, but the real sign up sheet will circulate next week. On that, you can sign up to bring items and food for the party.

VI. Announcement:
Animal Rescue Inc., a no kill shelter, is holding a raffle and tickets are on sale for $2 each. Third prize is $100, second prize is $250, and first prize is $500! The drawing will be on November 26th. You can buy tickets from Amanda Brophy. To contact her to buy tickets or with any questions, email her at

Our next meeting will be next week on Wednesday, October 24th at 5:30pm in 111 Memorial Hall. See you there!

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