Thursday, April 24, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 4/23/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:
Side note: If you haven’t paid Dawn for the Phill Zoo, please pay her $6. Also, if you ordered a shirt and haven’t paid her, you owe $10 before you can receive it.

II. Lisa recapped our guest speaker from last week, Susan Garey. We learned all about working in extension, being an extension agent, and the groups that she works with, such as 4-H.

III. Upcoming events!
o UPenn Vet Student Panel: Monday, April 28th, 7:30pm, 132 Townsend
o Guest Speaker (Exotic vet): Wenesday, April 30th at our meeting
o ANSC/FOSC movie night: Thursday, May 1st, 7:00pm, TNS Commons
o Grotto’s Fundraiser: Thursday, May 8th – Cut coupon papers into thirds and hand them out that week!

IV. Ag Day!
o We split into out shifts and discussed jobs during Ag Day
o Posters are all finished!
o T-shirts were distributed to those who have paid Dawn

V. Other announcements
o Relay for Life: you can still join if you would like, this year sounds like the best Relay yet, and it’s going to be a lot of fun! If you can’t join the team, you can always donate to the club to help reach our goals while donating to an amazing cause, The American Cancer Society. To donate or join online, here is the link to our club’s page: After the Wednesday, May 4th club meeting, Dan will hold a how-to session on making balloon animals. If you want to learn and have some fun, mark the date!

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 30th.
It will be held at 6:00pm in 111 Memorial Hall.
Remember, there will be a guest speaker as well as committee meetings where we are discussing the rest of the semester.

See you at Ag Day!

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