Monday, May 08, 2006

Hey Animal Science Club!

We had our last business meeting of the semester on 5/3. Here are the minutes from the meeting:

Treasurer's Report
Account: $553.78
*We made $170 from donations and $119 from the Plant Sale on Ag Day!!*

Ag Day Report
Although Ag Day was a success overall, and we hope everyone had a great time.. there's always room for improvement. One of the problems we had was with kids feeding the animals with the rations they had mixed. Also, some of us felt that we might have stretched ourselves a bit thin and had too many things going on (facepainting, plant sale, mixing feed, the animals, etc.). Ideas for next Ag day include: have one cohesive theme, condense our activities, do demonstrations throughout the day (the sheep shearing was a hit!), less animal pens?, educate club members about the animals before Ag Day, and have a better layout under the tent.
Also.. don't forget to give Jenna your late t-shirt payments of $5!

The Banquet is this coming Wednesday, 5/11 at 5:30pm at Timothy's. We will be meeting in the Russell lot at 5pm to carpool over. If you haven't already paid Jenna, remember to give her your money for Banquet! ($10 for active club members and $19 for non-active/non members.)

Advisor Appreciation nominations
AgCC is collecting nominations for the best advisor of the year. This can be an advisor from a club, academic advisor, lab, etc. A 1-page typed nomination is due by May 9th to the AgCC mailbox in 104 TNS, or you can email it to Stacy at There will be a free luncheon on Reading Day (May 18th) from 12-2 in the Commons to recognize the winner. Even if your advisor doesn't win.. he/she will still get a note in recognition for being nominated.. so send in those nominations!

Here are our new officers for next year:

President: Jenna Scibilia
Vice President: Kaitlyn Lutz
Treasurer: Danielle Smarsh
Secretary: Jen Puttress
Historians: Stacy Green and Michelle Lapera

Congratulations, guys! Also, as part of their election speeches, everyone gave some fundraising ideas for next year.. these include: ping pong-ball toss for a goldfish (either an actual fish, or a coupon for one), donate time to clean-up an event for money (Dover Downs, the Bob for Concerts?), sell baked goods in front of Walmart (they'll double the profits), sell pizza or lollipops, try and sell general ANSC t-shirts, spaghetti dinner, or sponsor a movie night (or other event) and sell popcorn, candy, etc.

-Sally mentioned the ANSC Club in the AgrAbility newsletter!
-Please send in your club pictures to Jen at
-Meeting time for next semester: 5:30pm Wednesdays (keep this in mind when doing your schedules)

Alright. Thus concludes my last minutes to the ANSC Club as Secretary. It's been great fun, and I hope that everyone has enjoyed reading them these past two years. >tear< I look forward to seeing you all at the Banquet this Wednesday for one last hoorah!

ANSC Club Secretary

Monday, May 01, 2006

Hey Animal Science Club!

First of all, thank you to everyone who helped with the Animal Science Club on Ag Day... you guys rock! Now here are the minutes from last week's meeting:

Treasurer's Report
Account: $553.78

Committee Reports
Service: We had AgrAbility posters to put up on Ag Day.

Pre-Vet: We have a potential speaker for the Fall.. more details at a later date.

Livestock: No report at this moment.

Fundraising: You can print out extra Plant Sale forms from our website at We really need to get on the Plant Sale at full force, so put them in faculty's mailboxes, talk to your professors, ask the teacher's aides, bug your friends and family, etc. The Plant Sale forms will be due on Wed. 5/10 morning (you can put them in the ANSC Club mailbox in 104 TNS). However, if you already have them, please bring them in at next week's meeting. Although people can pay for the plants when they hand in the forms, money is due at pick-up on Thurs 5/11.

Social: If you have not signed up already, please email Robert at if you want to go to the Banquet. Also, include in your email whether you want Chicken Marsala or Asian Stir Fry Veggies for your meal. The cost of Banquet is $10 for active members or $19 for non-active members. All guests invited by the Club (i.e., alumni, our advisors, Richard, Larry, Dr. Emara, Dr. Kung, Scott, etc.) will be covered by the Club. The Banquet starts at 5:30pm, but we will be meeting at 5pm in the Russell parking lot to drive over. As a reminder, the Banquet is on May 10th at Timothy's. And please, if you have not already done so, email one of the officers with awards that you would like to give your fellow members at Banquet.

Ag Day
Ag Day was yesterday from 10-4. Thanks to everyone who came out and made it a wonderful event! As a reminder, you must have helped out with Animal Science Club at Ag Day to be an active member of the club.

Officer Nominations for Next Year
At this week's meeting (5/3), all members who are nominated for an officer position will give a short speech, which should include their history of involvement with the club and one creative fundraising idea for the club. If you would still like to be nominated for a position, please email me at before Wednesday's meeting. Here's a brief overview of the different positions:
Historians (2): Responsible for annual scrapbook, taking pictures at all club events, maintaining alumni mailing lists, compiling annual alumni newsletter, and maintaining the club's website.
Treasurer: Collects all dues and receipts and keeps an accurate inventory and slaes record. Also, needs to submit a yearly treasurer's report and annual budget. He/she is chair of the fundraising committee.
Secretary: Keeps accurate records of all club meetings, sends out minutes, conducts club correspondence, submits new member list to National Block and Bridle, and keeps track of active member status.
Vice President: Presides in absence of the president and is responsible for organizing Ag Day. Also, is responsible for room reservations, membership recruitment events, and organizes activities night.
President: Presides over all regular meetings, prepares meeting agendas, and serves at representative to AgCC. Also, enforces constitution and bylaws.

-We will decide on the meeting time for next year at our next meeting!
-Please email Jen at with club pictures. She'll be working on the scrapbook and needs them ASAP.

That's it for this week's minutes. See you at our next meeting on Wednesday, 5/3 at 5:30pm in MEM 111!

ANSC Club Secretary