Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Hey Animal Science Club!

First of all, we forgot to mention it at our last meeting, but if you will be here this Winter, please email me (jesshall@udel.edu) and let me know. Depending on the number of members who are still around, we might try to hold a few meetings/activities during Winter Session.

Secondly, if you're going to Regionals, make sure to drop off your check for $55 (made payable to Animal Science Club) in our mailbox in 104 TNS by Wednesday!

Third: Jen Puttress looked up the guidelines for submission of a scrapbook to the National Block and Bridle. Please take a look at the requirements (attached below) and email Jen (jenp@udel.edu) with your opinions. She would like to work on our scrapbook over Winter break, so she needs to know if she should make it in accordance to the BB guidelines, or if we want our scrapbook to be more of a personal-picture-album-type scrapbook. So please let Jen know which you prefer!

And lastly, those of you who signed up for our Longwood Gardens trip, don't forget that we will be leaving from the Russell parking lot at 5pm this Wed, Dec. 7th! Any last minute cancellations/sign-ups for Longwood Gardens should be directed to Carolyn at cschnek@udel.edu.

Thanks, guys! And good luck with your last week of classes!

ANSC Club Secretary

National Block and Bridle Scrapbook Guidelines:

(Covering June 1 through May 31 or Summer, Fall and Spring Semesters)The following guidelines will be used to evaluate the entries for the Chapter Scrapbook Award.Awards will be presented at the next National Block and Bridle convention. First through fifth place will be recognized with a plaque.A. Content (60%) 1. Table of Contents 2. Officers (names) 3. Advisors 4. Club Roster and Picture 5. Honorary Members 6. Sample Minutes 7. Annual Budget and Final Treasurer’s Report 8. Club Activities (printed and visual evidence) -Service Activities -Educational/Leadership Activities -Social Activities -Fund Raising Activities -Other Activities 9. Awards given by the local chapterB. Presentation (40%) 1. Cover should be neat, appropriate, and durable 2. Creativity 3. Logical Order 4. Professionalism 5. Appearance 6. Facilitates the understanding of chapter’s activities and accomplishmentsC. General 1. A Chapter Scrapbook is not a record of the department’s year, but the local Block and Bridle chapter’s year (June 1 through May 31 or Summer, Fall and Spring Semester). Judging Teams, Scholarships, and Awards should only be included if the club is the sponsor, not the department, college, university, etc. 2. The evaluation committee will be instructed to emphasize quality with respect to activities and presentation.EvaluatorsIf possible, the evaluation committee should include 1) advisors whose chapter did not submit a scrapbook, and 2) a professional in graphic art such as a layout specialist for a breed association publication, an Extension staff member, or a member of the hosting chapter’s communications department.Date DueThe Chapter Scrapbook should be submitted to the National President at the national Convention. The Scrapbook may be left at the desk of the headquarters hotel. Mark HOLD for Block & Bridle Meeting. If a representative from your chapter cannot deliver it in person, call the National President for instructions.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Hey Animal Science Club!

Here are the minutes from Wednesday's meeting:

Treasurer's Report

Steve Cook's Recap
Our members who went to help out at Steve Cook's farm on Nov 20th said that they had a really good time. Steve gave some helpful livestock judging pointers and provided lunch for all who went. Members also got to interact with the animals and learn more about Steve's farm. Thanks to everyone who went--Steve always appreciates the club's help!

Food Drive
The food that we collected from our Nov. 16th meeting was dropped off at the Food Drive in Trabant. Unfortunately, the guy in charge of the event had gone home early due to the poor turnout, so our food didn't make it to the Thanksgiving collection. However, the food we collected will still be distributed to people in need sometime during the holiday season. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Food Drive!

Holiday Dinner
Dr. Griffiths is hosting a Holiday Dinner for the ANSC Club at her house on Sunday, Dec 4th, starting at 3:30pm. Her chili and homemade bread are simply amazing.. so I encourage everyone to come! Also, it's a fun time to socialize with the other members, and we will be having a Pollyanna-type gift exchange. If you're coming and would like to participate, please bring a wrapped gift ($5 limit). Make sure to RSVP to me (jesshall@udel.edu) by Friday, so that I can let Dr. Griffiths know how many of us to expect. Also, please email me if there are any vegetarian requests. We will be leaving from the Russell parking lot (behind Russell B) at 3pm on Sunday. Hope to see everyone then!
Directions to Dr. Griffiths': Take route 273 out past the Deer Park into Maryland for about 8 miles. Turn right on Fairview Rd. It is about the 5th house on the left – old house – with driveway after the first run of black horse fencing. The number is 169 Fairview RD and Dr. Griffith's phone number in case you get lost is 410-392-9751.

Longwood Gardens Trip
The club will be going to Longwood Gardens on Wednesday, Dec. 7th. We will be leaving from the Russell parking lot at 5pm. Abby Hird and Ed Moydell from the Longwood Gardens Graduate Program will meet us there and act as our guides for the evening. They have 20 free passes for members, so please bring at least $10 in case we don't have enough free passes for everyone going. If anyone has any specific interest or additional questions about the trip/our tour, please email Natalina Rager at nrager@udel.edu. Also, if you have not already signed up for the trip and would like to go, please email Carolyn at cschnek@udel.edu.

If you would still like to attend the NESA 2006 (Regionals), you must email Amanda (akliby@udel.edu) asap! The club is trying to get the ANSC Department Chair to cover our advisor's costs at Regionals, and we're hoping to get the University to provide additional funds. Also, the club decided that we will cover the hotel costs. So, if you plan on going, please leave a check for $55 (made payable to The Animal Science Club) in our mailbox in 104 TNS by Dec 7th!! This $55 will cover the registration fee, but you will need additional pocket money to pitch in for gas, extra meals, etc.

Other Items of Concern
-Jodi is making progress with the Alumni Newsletter, and it will be going out soon.
-Jen is still looking into qualifications for submitting a scrapbook to the National Block and Bridle competition.
-Attention Committee Chairs: if you do not want to be a committee chair for next semester, please email Amanda (akilby@udel.edu) to let her know.
-We have some potential guest speakers already lined up for the Spring. These include the ANSC Club's first ever president, who now works in Development with the Delaware Humane Society, and a Military Vet ANSC club alumnus.
-Please start thinking of other activities you'd like us to do in the Spring and email your ideas to Amanda at akilby@udel.edu!

Thanks everyone for a great semester! This was the ANSC club's last business meeting of '05, but we hope to see you at the Holiday Dinner this Sunday and the Longwood Gardens trip on the 7th!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Hey Animal Science Club!

Amanda has just informed me that our AgrAbility speaker scheduled for tomorrow is sick and will not be able to make it. So, our meeting for tomorrow is cancelled, and we will not be having a meeting this week. However, if you are interested in going to Regionals, please email Amanda (akilby@udel.edu) by Monday, 11/28.

Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!
Hey Animal Science Club!

Here are the minutes from Wednesday's meeting:

NESA 2006 (Regionals!)
This is taking place in Amherst, MA from Feb 24th to Feb 26th. So far, we have about 12 club members interested in going. We've also made reservations for 2 hotel rooms, but we may need to reserve more. The rooms are $70/night, and there is no limit to how many people we can sleep in a room. So, if some people are fine with sharing beds, sleeping on the floor, etc., then split costs for the hotel arrangement won't be so bad. We're estimating that the total cost per person (including registration fee and hotel) should be about $80-100. However, keep in mind that this does not include gas, extra spending money, one dinner, and one breakfast. We would like to have a list of definite people who will be attending Regionals by next week's meeting, Nov. 22nd. If you have any questions regarding Regionals, please email Carolyn at cschnek@udel.edu.

Steve Cook's Farm
We're going as a service activity to help out on Steve Cook's Farm tomorrow, Sunday, Nov 20th. Unfortunately, not many people have signed up, so if you don't have any plans for tomorrow morning... please consider joining us! We'll be leaving from the Russell parking lot (behind Russell B) at 8am, and we'll probably get back to UD at around 3pm. Any questions should be directed to Danielle at dsmarsh@udel.edu.

Other Items of Concern
-Jodi is still working on the Alumni Newsletters, and they should be sent out by next week.
-A trip to Longwood Gardens is scheduled for our last meeting on December 6th. We are still hoping to get someone from the Longwood Graduate Program to come along with us as a "tour guide."

Tonight we collected food to participate in the Food Drive and had Dr. Marshall as our guest speaker. Thank you, everyone, who came to the meeting, and I hope you all found Dr. Marshall's advice about vet school to be informative!

Special note: Our meeting for next week will be on Tuesday the 22nd at 6:15pm in Gore 103. Our meeting time and place has been changed so as to accommodate our AgrAbility Speaker. So, please come out on Tuesday for our meeting and learn more about AgrAbility!

Alright, that's it for the minutes. Hope to see you all on Tuesday!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Hey guys.

Sorry for this extra email, but the Food Drive is on Nov 22nd, so we will need everyone to bring in nonperishable food items for the Nov 16th meeting (when Dr. Marshall is our guest speaker). Also, here's some info on the Food Drive for those who are interested:

What: Campus wide Food Drive for the Food Bank of DelawareWhen: Food Pick-up is November 22nd, in Multipurpose rooms A/B of Trabant from 10-2 pm *Please do NOT bring bottled water, we will not be accepting it this year!* *Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams!

Again, make note of this correction, and please bring your nonperishables next week!

ANSC Club Secretary
Hello Animal Science Club!

Here are the minutes from Wednesday's meeting:

Treasurer's Report
account: $1474.38

Budget Requests
Alumni Newsletter: Jodi Lasko requested a budget allowance of $185 to cover costs for the ANSC Club's annual alumni Newsletter. The Newsletter helps keep our old members involved with the club by informing them about our semester's activities. Also, the Newsletter is a good way to advertise our Spring Plant Sale and put out requests for Guest Speakers. Jodi's budget was approved by the club, and anyone who is willing to help stuff envelopes should come 15 minutes early to the next meeting.
Scrapbook: Jen Puttress requested an $80 budget to cover costs for an updated ANSC Club scrapbook. However, there was some debate among members as to whether the format for our scrapbook should take on a more professional look, so that we can submit it to National's, or if the scrapbook should be less formal and serve more as an "in-house" events picture album. We decided that before approving the budget, we are going to see if we even qualify for the National's Scrapbook competition. (aka. Have we done the required activities that must be outlined in the scrapbook?) Also, the club discussed making copies of the "scrapbook" to CD, so that we can distribute it to club members at the end of the year. If you have any additional concerns or suggestions about the scrapbook, please email Jen at jenp@udel.edu.

Committee Reports
Fundraising: Matt talked to Dr. Emara, and things are in the works for our Spring Plant sale. Concerning profit from the Hayride, after splitting ticket sales with AZ, our share of the profit is $180. However, costs from the Hayride are still being calculated.
Pre-Vet: The Brandywine Zoo trip is this Sunday the 13th. Those who are going should meet in the Russell parking lot (behind Russell building B) at 9:30am. The cost is $4 per person. Any last minute cancellations should be directed to Amanda at aepisano@udel.edu.
Also, we will be having Dr. Marshall as a guest speaker during next week's meeting. Dr. Marshall is a UD professor and an experienced equine vet. He has lots of advice about Vet school, equine interest, and other animal science-related information. So, please make an extra effort to come to next week's meeting! We would like to give a warm welcome to Dr. Marshall and let him know how appreciative we are that he is taking time to speak to the club. Also, we invite you to bring friends who might not be in the club, but could benefit from Dr. Marshall's lecture.
Social: Dinner with the club at Damon's was a success, and everyone who went last week had lots of fun. A tentative date for our annual Holiday Dinner at Dr. Griffith's is planned for Sunday, December 4th. The Holiday Dinner is always an awesome time with great food and friends. Also, we usually do a gift exchange that involves randomly selecting a small gift that you have the opportunity of exchanging with other members. (There's always some harmless squabbling and other exciting amusements.) In addition, the Social committee will be in charge of providing light refreshments during our guest speaker's lecture next week.
Livestock: At the end meeting, Amanda Kilby gave us some basic instruction on livestock judging for those who are interested in attending Regionals. Also, there will be some more practice judging livestock when we go to Steve Cook's on Nov. 20th. In addition, Steve Cook has a bunch of other exciting stuff lined up for us when we go down to help him on his farm. This includes trimming hooves, helping with vaccines, and a BBQ for lunch. We will discuss more about going to Steve Cook's at next week's meeting.
Service: We will be having our AgrAbility speaker on Tuesday, November 22nd at 6:15pm in Gore. This will replace our regularly scheduled meeting for that Wednesday. Also, please bring nonperishable food items to the Agrability speaker lecture, so that we can participate in the Thanksgiving food drive. (Make sure to check expiration dates on your nonperishables... and please, no bottled water!)

Other Items of Concern
-New member certificates are on the way, and our new members should receive them by next semester. Thanks for being patient!
-NESA 2006, aka. Regionals: This is taking place in Amherst, MA from Feb 24th to Feb 26th. There is a registration fee of $55, and there will also be additional costs for transportation and hotel accommodations. We will have information on these additional costs by next meeting. Also, we want to have a list of definite people who will be attending Regionals by Nov. 22nd. So, please start putting some serious thought toward Regionals!

Alright. That's it from Wednesday's meeting. We hope to see you all at next week's meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 16th at 6:15pm in 037 Memorial for Dr. Marshall's guest speaker lecture! Have a great weekend, everyone, and see you then!

ANSC Club Secretary

Monday, October 31, 2005

Hey Animal Science Club!

Here's the minutes from last week's meeting on 10/26:

Treasurer's Report
account: $1474.38

Budget Requests
Jen Puttress made a request to the club to put aside a budget that would cover costs associated with printing digital pictures for the Animal Science Club scrapbook. (It was suggested to keep copies of club pictures on CD in the ANSC Club cabinet.) Jodi Lasko also requested a budget allowance that will cover the costs associated with printing/mailing the club's annual alumni Newsletter. They will present itemized budgets at the next meeting in order for club approval. (Note: As per the ANSC Club's Constitution, expenditures greater than $50 need to be voted on.)

All those who were present at the meeting got to be in our Club picture that will be on our webpage. Jodi wanted to remind the club that if you don't like a specific picture of you being on the ANSC Club webpage, please let Jodi know and she'll kindly remove it. Also, if you have any good snapshots from club events, please give them to one of our historians. (Jodi at jlasko@udel.edu or Jen at jenp@udel.edu.) You can check out our club's webpage at http://copland.udel.edu/stu-org/ansci/.

Haunted Hayride and Commitment Remarks
Thanks again everyone who helped out with the Hayride! We made $300 from ticket sales, but our net profit from the event is still being calculated. If anyone has any receipts concerning Hayride purchases, please get them to Matt.
We were very impressed with our members' overall commitment to the Haunted Hayride weekend. You guys came out and gave it your all, in spite of the lousy weather. Also, not enough can be said about the awesome turnout by our Freshmen members! Our new members' dedication and commitment to the club surpasses previous year's, and the entire club is benefiting from our new members. However, with that said, a few words concerning club commitment was necessary. Our members are the sole body of this club--and although we want to have fun, this requires a certain level of commitment. If you say that you will do something, or if you sign up for an event, the club expects you to follow through with your commitment. In fact, a member will receive negative points for an event if he/she fails to attend an event that he/she had signed up for. Dan Severson also remarked that he has "never gotten a job because of his college gpa." He said that it is all about working well with others and proving that you can stick to your commitments. It's important to get into good habits now, because future employers and review panels will definitely notice your previous club involvements. Also, professors who are writing your letters of recommendation can say little about the 4.0 student who was inactive outside of the classroom. We just ask our members to keep these things in mind concerning their activity and level of commitment to the Animal Science Club.

Committee Reports
Pre Vet: The club decided that we will be going to the Brandywine Zoo on November 13th, and tentatively meeting in the Russell parking lot at 9:30am. We decided on the Brandywine Zoo instead of the Philly Zoo, because the Philly Zoo's Big Cat exhibit won't come out until next Spring, and also the Brandywine Zoo is cheaper, closer, and has a special Discovery Tours event.
Fundraising: Matt is still in the process of contacting Dr. Emara about planting plants for our Plant Sale.
Social: Instead of our November 2nd meeting, we will be going out to Damon's Grill for dinner. A sign-up sheet was passed around for those interested in going. If you couldn't make the meeting, but would like to go to Damon's, please email Jenna at jscib@udel.edu. We will be leaving from the Russell parking lot at 6pm!
Service: Our AgrAbility speaker will talk to the club about AgrAbility on Tuesday, Nov 22nd at 6:15pm. This will take place instead of the club's regularly scheduled meeting for Wednesday, Nov 23rd. (Please take notice to this change!) Also, Danielle is still in the process of contacting Steve Cook about our service/livestock judging activity on his farm
Livestock: We ended the meeting with a friendly Regionals Quiz Bowl question game. Good job, everyone! (And congratulations to everyone who remembers more about livestock nutrition than the Seniors do--Carolyn excluded.)

Food Drive
There will be a Food Drive in Trabant on November 22nd. The ANSC Club would like to participate in this event, so we encourage our members to bring non-perishable foods (no bottled water, please) to our November 16th meeting. Reminders will be sent out when this event gets closer.

Animal Science Regionals will be taking place in Amherst, MA from Feb 24th to Feb 26th. There is a registration fee of $55, and there will also be additional costs for transportation and hotel accommodations. Fees and forms are due by Jan 13th, so we ask our members to please start thinking about if you would like to participate in Regionals! Also, there is an Individual Research competition with a 1st place prize of $150. So, if you conduct undergraduate research, you may want to think about submitting an abstract and presenting your research at Regionals. (Last year, one of our graduating club members received 1st place in the research competition! I also received 3rd/4th place recognition.)

Alright, guys. That's it from last week's meeting. Remember that there will not be a club meeting this week (11/2), and instead, we are going to Damon's! Have a Happy Halloween, everyone!

ANSC Club Secretary

Monday, October 24, 2005

Hey Animal Science Club!

Sorry that these are getting to you so late, but here are the minutes from last week's meeting:

Treasurer's Report
Account: $648.65

Ag Carnival T-shirts
There are a lot of Ag Carnival T-shirts left over, so if you are interested in buying one, please contact Amanda at akilby@udel.edu. They are navy blue with "Ag Carnival 2005" on the front left breast, and they cost $10 each.

Committee Reports
Pre Vet: Dr. Marshall will be our guest speaker at the November 16th meeting. Plans for a trip to either the Philadelphia Zoo or the Brandywine Zoo are still being looked into.
Livestock: We will start having quiz bowl questions (in preparation for Regionals) at this coming week's meeting. If you have access to previous quiz bowl questions, please email Lynsey at Lschoon@udel.edu.
Fundraising: Matt will be contacting Dr. Emara about planting plants for our Plant Sale.
Social: Instead of our November 2nd meeting, we will be going out to Damon's Grill for dinner. Damon's is a rib/steakhouse with an apparently very fun interactive game set-up that allows everyone in the restaurant to compete against each other about trivia questions. There will be a sign-up sheet passed around at this week's meeting for all who are interested in going. If you can't make the meeting, but would like to go to Damon's, please email Jenna at jscib@udel.edu. Also, Sara Daub asked Friendly's about any available Wednesdays this semester for Family Fun Night, but Friendly's is all booked for this semester. So, we will wait to coordinate a Family Fun Night until the Spring semester.
Service: We are waiting to hear back from a our AgrAbility speaker about what day she would like to talk to the club about AgrAbility. Also, Danielle will be contacting Steve Cook to coordinate a service activity and possible livestock judging practice at his farm.

Haunted Hayride
I want to personally thank everyone who came out this weekend and helped with our Haunted Hayride. I know that the awful weather conditions put a damper on the event, but I was really impressed by everyone's commitment and cooperation. You guys are awesome! And although we didn't give many wagon rides, those people who went on the Hayride said that they really enjoyed it. So, once again, thank you all for your dedication--and I hope that everyone had a good time!

And just as a reminder, if you put up any Hayride flyers around campus, please make sure to take them down. Thanks, guys!

See you all at this week's meeting on Wednesday, 10/26 at 6:15pm in 037 Memorial!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Hello Animal Science Club.

Here are the minutes from Wednesday's meeting:

Treasurer's Report
Account: $1,174.38
The Allocations Board gave us $100 for the Hayride, which will go toward the various expenses for the stations. Also, we are still working on getting New Member certificates from the Block and Bridle website. So for the new members, you will hopefully receive these before the end of the semester.

Hayride Committee Reports
Jason Peiffer, a Plant Science major from Alpha Zeta, came to the meeting and told us about the stations that AZ is working on. AZ will have a Salem Witch Trial station, a Dracula station in the hayloft of the Nutrition Barn, and one of their members will be dressed as a monk and greet everyone on the hayride as they first start off on the route.

As far as the ANSC Club stations, here's what we're doing:

1. There will be a mini-station by Allen Lab, where Carolyn will be dressed up as a little girl running around ripping up stuffed animals. We're also going to have a lot of bloody doll heads on spikes right by the road. This station is just meant to be really disturbing and creepy.
2. Next the Hayride will come to Jen Puttress's station near the woodlot. The driving force behind the scariness of this station is definitely the use of chainsaws. There will be people tied up to the fence screaming, and others will be running around with chainsaws (with the chain off, of course). If you have any chainsaws that Jen can borrow, please email her at jenp@udel.edu.
3. We're doing another mini-station by the corn field. This one is going to involve Robert's truck and scary people standing in front of his brights. (Trust me, when a person stands in front the car's headlights, it produces one eerie effect!)
4. Next stop is Amanda Pisano's station. This one will be right where the road turns left, heading down to the Beneficial Insects building. Amanda's station is based on the legend of the Goat Man. This legend involves a government experiment that went wrong, producing the evil Goat Man, who goes around chopping up pretty girls.
5. The next station is Allison Jervis's station, which will be right by the Beneficial Insects building. Her station involves a girl who turns into a scarecrow. There will be straw, body parts, and lots of general scariness.
6. The last ANSC club station is at the Nutrition Barn (opposite to AZ's Dracula station). This is Jay Tobias's station, which is based on The Ring. Sam Sack will be playing the part of the creepy well girl. This station was a hit two years ago when we did it... so let's hope for another success!

The budgets for the stations were due at the meeting. Carolyn and Jen will be shopping for the supplies, and they'll hand them out to the station leaders at next week's meeting. Also at the meeting, we signed up for kiosk shifts. In order to further publicize the Hayride, we have a kiosk in Trabant on 10/20 from 11am to 2pm. If you'd like to help out at the kiosk, please email me at jesshall@udel.edu. Lastly, we decided that we will have a run-through for the Hayride at 6pm on Friday, 10/20 (right before the actual Hayride starts running). Station leaders, your stations must be set-up and ready to go at 6pm on Friday. It is up to you to make sure all of the props and such are ready at your station before this time.

Committee Reports
Social: Kahunaville last week was lots of fun, and everyone really enjoyed the line dancing. We're planning a restaurant trip for Nov. 2nd. However, we haven't decided on a place to go yet. Some of the ideas mentioned were Lonestar, Hibachi, and TGI Friday's. If you have any other ideas, please email Jenna at jscib@udel.edu. Also, Sara Daub informed the club about Friendly's Family Fun Night. If a club registers ahead of time, they can get 10% of the profit that Friendly's makes between 5-9pm on a given Family Fun Night. This could be an excellent social/fundraising opportunity for ANSC Club, and we will look more into it.
Service: If you haven't paid up your money for stuff you bought at the AgrAbility auction, you must do so soon! We also talked about moving the the club meeting to another night of the week in order to better accommodate an AgrAbility speaker. (We'll get back to the club on when the meeting would be moved to.) Also, the club will be volunteering at Steve Cook's Farm. Steve Cook is a UD Alumnus, who is also a disabled Farmer. We've helped out at Steve Cook's Farm in the past, and the club members got to do some really fun stuff, like weighing piglets, helping halter break calves, and even chasing after goats. The tentative volunteer date is November 12th, but we will get back to you once things are more finalized.
Livestock: With Regionals coming up in February (it'll be in Amherst), the club members really need to start thinking about whether or not they want to go. In order to prepare ourselves for Regionals, we want to have a livestock judging practice some Saturday in November. We talked about maybe incorporating the livestock judging practice with the volunteering at Steve Cook's farm... but before we start judging other farm's animals, we'd like to have some training with livestock judging on the UD Farm. Also, to prepare ourselves for potential Quiz Bowl questions, we are going to start having practice questions at our meetings.
Pre-Vet: Dr. Marshall will be our guest speaker at the November 16th meeting. We also talked about getting Richard from Dairy to come in and talk to the club about careers other than in Veterinary Medicine. Also, the Pre-Vet committee decided that instead of going to the Plumpton Park Zoo, we'd like to go to the Philly or Brandywine Zoo. The tentative date for our Zoo visit is Saturday, November 5th.
Fundraising: The Fundraising committee will be contacting Dr. Emara to set up plans for our Plant Sale. The Club decided that we will be doing the Plant Sale again, because although we didn't do so well with it last year, we traditionally make a lot of money with it, and it has the potential to be a really good fundraiser. Dr. Emara donates the plants, and all the club has to do is help her pot the plants and then be responsible for selling them at Ag Day.

Alright. That's it from Wednesday's minutes. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 19th at 6:15 in 037 Memorial. Hope to see you all then!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Hello Animal Science Club! Here are the minutes from this week's meeting:

Today was the last day to pay dues! Hopefully everyone was able to get their $10 in to Matt.

Thank You Notes
In order to thank the companies for their generous donations to our auction, Thank You notecards were signed at the meeting. Cards will be going to Ag Industrial and Atlantic Tractor for their pedal tractor donations, and we're also thanking Bigg's Inc. for their donated auction item of the upright toy engine. These auction items brought in about $250, and the entire auction ended up making $714. This money will be donated to AgrAbility.

Ag Carnival Re-cap
We had a really great turn-out at Ag Carnival, and it was a lot of fun. Our pedal tractor event was a hit--although (as the boys painfully found out) an event much better suited for the ladies. Some winning highlights for the ANSC Club were Matt for placing 1st in the pie-eating contest, and Jen and Megan for coming in 1st place in the pumpkin chucking. The ANSC Club's team New Holland finished up in 4th place for the overall day's events! Awesome job, everyone! If anyone has suggestions for next year's Ag Carnival, please email Amanda at akilby@udel.edu.

Service Report
Sally, a representative from AgrAbility, would like to come and give a talk about her organization. However, she isn't available to come to our meetings on Wednesday. The club needs to decide if we would be willing to attend her guest talk on some other day of the week, and what day would be best for the club. Although the Animal Science Club has been raising money for AgrAbility for some time now, we've become slightly detached from the organization, so it would be very beneficial if Sally came in and explained to us more about AgrAbility. We will discuss this matter further at a future meeting.

A contract has finally been drawn up between the Animal Science Club and Alpha Zeta. Some of the key aspects of the contract include:
-ANSC club and AZ will share responsibility of publicity, planning, filling out appropriate forms, and getting drivers.
-There will be at least six designated spots for haunted scenes along the route, with ANSC club responsible for at least 4 of the spots, and AZ responsible for at least 2.
-All profits from the hayride will be split as 60% to ANSC club and 40% to AZ
-ANSC club is required to provide at least 22 people each night, and AZ is required to provide at least 12 people. For every participant who does not show up on a given night, that club will receive a 1% deduction in profit.

Forms requesting funding from the Allocations board have been turned in, and our event is officially registered with Activities and Planning. As far as publicity is concerned, we have a kiosk in Trabant reserved for 10/20 from 11am-2pm. Flyers and signs are being designed by AZ, and we will hopefully be distributing them soon.

For those of you who are station leaders, you need to email Jen with your ideas and preliminary budgets ASAP. We're just two weeks away from the hayride, so we've really got to get ourselves in gear. Attached is the finalized station lists. If your name is not on the list, and you would still like to help out (we can use all the help that we can get!), please email Jen at jenp@udel.edu. Any other questions or concerns about the hayride can also be emailed to me at jesshall@udel.edu. NOTE: times for the Haunted Hayride have been slightly modified: The hayride will be on Friday, 10/21 from 7-11pm, and on Saturday, 10/22 from 6:30-11pm (with a kid-friendly ride from 6:30-7:30).

We ended the meeting by adjourning to Kahunaville for some country line dancing. Hope everyone had fun!

That's it for this week's meetings. Our next meeting is Wednesday, 10/12 at 6:15pm in 037 Memorial. Have a great Homecoming weekend, everyone... and try to stay dry. ;)

Friday, September 30, 2005

Hey Animal Science Club!

Here are the Meeting Minutes for 28 September 2005 (courtesy of Jen Puttress):

Last weeks minutes were approved by the club.

The inside account stands at $1171.25 and the outside account is at $648.65. Our Ag Carnival entry fees have been paid ($25 per team)

Hayride Committee

ANSC Club and AZ Fraternity are almost done finalizing the agreement for the hayride. As it looks now, AZ can only provide about 15 members on Friday, and 7 on Saturday. There will be 7 stations to the hayride, 6 “scary” stations and 1 command center in the Townsend parking lot. Because of the smaller member commitment, it looks as though ANSC Club will manage 4-5 stations, with AZ doing 1-2, and both clubs will be splitting the command center. The profits will likely be split 70-30 with AZ. The hayride committee came up with a $600-700 budget for the hayride. Included in the budget is a $30 budget for each station. Hopefully, we will soon hear from allocations and ACE funding to see if they will help cut our costs. So far, drivers for the hayride are covered. We also had some new rules from Scott, the farm manager. These new rules provide for more possibilities at the stations.
Station leaders volunteered, and then the club split into teams. So far, the teams are as follows (* indicates station leader).
Command: Danielle Smarsh
Jodi Lasko

Station 1: Jen Puttress*
Matt Brodsky
Jenna Scibilia
Amanda Kilby (?)
Kelsey Baker
Lauren Soutnard

Station 2: Jay Tobias *
Rachel Beeson
Heather Kurtas
Karrin Moore
Lorna Dougherty
Caitlin Kennedy

Station 3: Amanda Pisano *
Sara Doub
Emily Adams
Samantha Sack
Kelsey Paras
Erin Stough

Station 4: Allison Jervis *
Robert Gooden
Michelle Laperra
Vincent Baldanza
Tommy Hart
Katie Koenig
Stephanie Moran
Jessie Bussanick
Dawn Lenihan

Station 5: Stacy Green *
Lynsey Schoonover
Erin McDoweh
Kaitlyn Lutz
Allison Goodman
The brainstormed ideas include (but are not limited to) chainsaws, cars, zombies, scarecrows, hanging dummies, and a lot of screaming. If you were not at the meeting and would like to sign up for a team, please email Jen Puttress at jenp@udel.edu


Trip to Kilby Cream
Allison Jervis spoke to the club about how fun the trip was. The ice cream was fantastic, and we got a tour of where the ice cream was made.

Ag Carnival
Ag Carnival will be held this Saturday, October 1st on Webb Farm at 10:00. Please make every effort to be there on time. We ask that all participating arrive at 9:45 or as soon as humanly possible. There will be 8-9 events, including the auction, where we will be auctioning off our pedal tractors. When you arrive, please remember to sign in and sign a waver. There will be free lunch at noon. All the proceeds from the auction will benefit AgrAbility. There is a possibility that there will be a speaker from AgrAbility explaining where the proceeds go. NAMA will be conducting the auction since they do not have the members to make a team. The team captains are responsible for making sure everyone has signed in and signed the wavers. Please seek out your captain when you arrive on Webb Farm.
ANSC Team John Deere
Stacy Green Carolyn Schneck
Dawn Lenihan Jay Tobias
Lauren Soutnard Robert Gooden
Liz Roy Karrin Moore
Amanda Pisano Lynsey Schnoonover
ANSC Team New Holland (Team Ninja)
Jen Puttress Megan Wolters
Danielle Smarsh Matt Brodsky
Amanda Kilby Brandon Moulder
Jenna Scibilia Michelle Lipara
Erin Stough

Bring them next week or face humiliation by llama!!!

New Business

Ag Day Prep
The Ag Day Planning class wanted to know if we would like tents for Ag Day in case it rains. Since we usually use about a 40x40 space, the 20x20 tent they offered would not be enough. However, without chickens and pigs, we may be able to use the space if necessary. Amanda will be emailing back pushing for the tent.

Next week, we will meet briefly in 037 Memorial at 6:00 for short committee/station meetings. Then, we will be walking directly to the Russell lot to take a drive to Kahunaville to go line dancing. Cars will be leaving at various times at night if you don’t want to stay all night. If you were not at tonight’s meeting and would like to go to dance with us next week, please email Jenna at jscib@udel.edu. Please give your name, email, and whether or not you can drive. If you can drive, please say how many people you can take.

See you next week…and wear your dancing shoes.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hello Animal Science Club! Here are the minutes from our very short meeting on 9/21:

Treasurer's Report:
Inside Account: $1,171.25
Outside Account: $698.65

Last call for dues is next meeting, 9/28! Dues are $10, which you can give to Matt in either cash or check (made payable to Animal Science Club). If you can't make it to the meeting, you can drop off your dues in the ANSC club's mailbox in 104 TNS. Remember, for new members, your dues go toward National Block and Bridle membership, and you'll get a niffty certificate.

Newark Community Days Report
Thanks everyone who came out on Sunday and helped with the ANSC club's table at Community Day. We made a lot of little kids happy with all sorts of farm animals, butterflies, robots, and pirates painted onto their faces. All in all, it was a very successful day, and we raised $80.02 in donations to be sent to the Humane Society for animal victims of hurricane Katrina. As far as things to keep in mind for next year's Community Day, we should think about advertising for our Halloween fundraiser on Community Day and take advantage of this great publicity opportunity.

Ag Carnival
We had team sign-ups for Ag Carnival at the meeting. If you're still interested in participating on one of our two teams, please email Amanda at akilby@udel.edu. Ag Carnival is on Saturday, 10/1.

Haunted Hayride
We discussed some preliminary ideas for the hayride. Once again, it is scheduled for Friday, 10/21 and Saturday, 10/22. The exact times and prices per person/wagon are still being debated. However, there was talk about having cheaper tickets for the earlier children-friendly hayride (which is tentatively during the Saturday ride from 6pm-7:30pm). Also, we discussed possible unifying themes for the Hayride, such as having a "story teller" on the wagon, who narrates as the hayride goes through stations related to urban legends/scary movies/etc. In addition, we talked about publicity opportunities. One idea was to get a kiosk in Trabant and give out free tickets for answering correctly different Animal Science-related trivia, or have a buy-one-get-one sale. If you have any other hayride ideas, please email me at jesshall@udel.edu.

Kilby Cream
At the end of the meeting, the club adjourned for a trip to Kilby Cream. Hope everyone had fun!

Alright. That's it for this week's minutes. See you all at the next meeting on Wednesday, 9/28 at 6:15pm in 037 Memorial!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Hey Animal Science Club! Here are the minutes from last night's meeting:

Attention: Room Change!
Due to scheduling conflicts, the Animal Science Club meetings will no longer be held in Perkins. Our new meeting place is room 037 Memorial. Sorry for the confusion last night, but thanks to everyone for being so cooperative!

Treasurer's Report:
Inside Account: does not have books yet
Outside Account: $698.65

Unfortunately, rising costs for Nationals (estimated total cost of about $400) has led to decreased member interest. So, we will no longer be going to Nationals this year. On the positive side, because we will no longer be putting our carwash profits toward Nationals, we have $160.68 that we can put toward some other use. We will vote on the use of the carwash profits at a later meeting, but some ideas included putting the money toward T-shirts, using it to fund Ag Carnival costs, etc.

Newark Community Days
Community Day is this Sunday, 9/18 from 10am-4pm on the Green. The ANSC Club will have a table across from Sharp on the North Green, where we'll be doing face-painting, crafts, and other fun, kid-oriented activities to get involved with the community. In order to help set-up and clean-up, we have shifts starting at 7am and going until 5pm. Sign-up sheets were passed around at the meeting, and if you are still interested in helping out, please contact Carolyn at cschnek@udel.edu. Remember: to be an active member (as stated in our constitution), you need to participate in at least one fundraising and one service project per semester. (Community Days counts toward a service activity.)
We also discussed what charity we would like to benefit with our "Donations Jar" profits from Community Day, because we decided that we would receive more donations if we designated a charity ahead of time and posted signs about it on Community Day. One idea was to give our donations to a Humane Association for animal victims of hurricane Katrina. Another idea was to donate our money to a Therapeutic Riding Stable. After voting on the issue, we decided to give our Community Day donations to the Humane Association. However, we may want to benefit the Therapeutic Riding Stable at a later date and use that as an additional service activity.

Ag Carnival
This fun, Ag-Club event will be held on Saturday, Oct 1st on Webb Farm. Team sign-ups will be at next meeting. We can encourage everyone to come out and enjoy Ag Carnival, and if you're interested in participating in some of the day's friendly competition, please think about joining a team--because the ANSC Club can have as many teams as we want!
We also talked about what event the club would like to sponsor. (Every participating club sponsors one of the day's activities.) We decided that we're going to try and sponsor a Pedal Tractor obstacle course. (Pedal tractors, from my understanding, are like little kids' bicycles... so our obstacle course will make for a very comedic event!) The club talked about possibly purchasing pedal tractors ($60 each) with the money we earned from the carwash, or maybe buying some sort of other cheap bike and pretending it's a "tractor." However, the best idea yet was to ask companies to donate Pedal Tractors to the club, which we will then auction off as our item for the Auction.. and all of the proceeds will go toward Agribility. Amanda is going to try and contact different companies (perhaps the Tractor Supply Company, Deer Creek Equipment, etc.) and ask if they would like to make a charitable donation to our club. We may even invite the companies to the Carnival for lunch/Auction, and we can ask them if they would be willing to donate other additional items to the auction. If you have any additional ideas on how we can handle our Pedal Tractor obstacle course, please email Amanda at akilby@udel.edu.

Once again, to be an active member, you must pay dues! All dues must be given to Matt by October 5th. (Dues are $10 and can be given in either cash or check made payable to Animal Science Club.)

Halloween Fundraiser
This was the big decision of the night: to do a Haunted Hayride or a Halloween Festival. Some of the major issues discussed for the Hayride were liability (who's responsible if someone gets hurt?), incurring costs (how will we pay for possible damage to tractors, etc.?), and drivers (do we have responsible and reliable people to drive the tractors?). One of the problems discussed about the Festival was the potential parking hazards. After much debate about pros and cons, the club voted on the matter... and the decision was that our Halloween Fundraiser will be the Hayride. The Hayride is going to be a lot of hand work, and it will require major effort from everyone in the club, but as long as we put our hearts and souls into it... it has the potential to be an extremely fun and profitable fundraiser.
Here are some of the logistics that we've already begun to discuss about the Hayride:
-Hold the Hayride on the weekend of Oct. 21st and 22nd. This is parent's weekend, and we have a home football game on Saturday, both which give us excellent publicity opportunities.
-Can we get ACE funding? The University will fund a percent of the start-up capita of an event if it provides an alternative to drinking.
- Need to talk to Scott (farm manager) and plan stations, teams, and budgets.
-Get pumpkins donated? And sell them and perhaps cider, cookies, etc. to people while they're waiting for the Hayride.
-Avoid liability issues by having participants sign a waiver.
-Run a dusk ride for little kids.
-Let people reserve wagons in advance for specific times at reduced rates. (Popular with fraternities, sororities, and other clubs.)
-Do we want to run the Hayride for 2 or 3 nights?
-Split the Hayride with Alpha Zeta. Should it be 50/50, and each club is responsible for their own publicity, stations, etc.?
-Need to track down experienced tractor drivers. Would their incentive be a financial reimbursement from the club?
There is a lot more that we need to discuss before the Hayride can really get moving. A Hayride committee was formed to talk about these issues and to collaborate with AZ. I was appointed as committee chair, and also on the committee are Matt, Carolyn, and Jessie Bussanich. If you have preliminary Hayride questions/suggestions, please email me at jesshall@udel.edu.

New Service Committee Chair
Our former Service chair can no longer attend club meetings for personal reasons, so Danielle Smarsh will be our new Service chair. If you are on the Service committee, you may want to contact Danielle at dsmarsh@udel.edu.

Trip to Kilby Cream
The club will be taking a trip to Kilby Cream (an ice cream shop with dairy facility) after a quick meeting on September 21st. The meeting next week will be pushed up to 6pm so that we can discuss Ag Carnival preparations, and then we will be meeting at 6:30pm in the Russell parking lot to head to the Kilby Cream. If you are interested in joining us on our ice cream adventure, please contact Lynsey at lschoon@udel.edu.

I think that's it for yesterday's meeting. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on Wednesday, 9/21 at 6pm in 037 Memorial. (Note the change of time and place!)

ANSC Club Secretary

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Hello Animal Science Club. Here are the minutes from tonight's meeting:

We started off tonight's meeting with a small social activity to get everyone better acquainted. The topic was "if you were an animal, what would you be," and we had such interesting answers as a flamingo, beetle, rhino, and a few cows. Good times were had by all.

Advisor Introduction
The Animal Science Club would not be where it is today without the help of our two wonderful advisors, Mr. Dan Severson and Dr. Lesa Griffiths. Not only do they voice their input at meetings, but they've also accompanied us on such trips as Nationals and Regionals. We're all very appreciative of our advisors and look forward to their guidance during this upcoming school year. To our new members, Dan Severson gives this advice: "Have fun and enjoy it. But work."

Fall Freshmen Social
Tomorrow, 9/8 there will be a social for Ag College Freshmen in the Hen Zone from 6:30pm-8:30pm, and free pizza will be provided. This is a great opportunity for freshmen to meet others in the Ag College and to find out more about other Ag clubs.

Committee Meetings/Reports
The Social committee will be planning a trip to Kahunaville instead of our meeting on Wed, Oct 5th. Wednesday nights are Country Night at Kahunaville, which means lots of line dancing to all of our favorite country tunes! Sign-up sheets and further information will be provided at upcoming meetings. The Social committee also hopes to plan an animal-themed movie night, pizza at a meeting, and/or games (DDR, Catch Phrase, etc.) at future meetings. If interested in helping plan social activities and being a member of this committee, please contact Jenna at jscib@udel.edu.
The Fundraising committee will plan to have a Donation Jar at our booth on Newark Community Day (Sunday, Sept 18th). The money we collect will go toward some charitable function, which we will vote on at a future meeting. To be a part of the Fundraising committee, please contact Liz at lizroy@udel.edu.
The Service committee talked about raising money for the Katrina victims. Ideas were brought up about using the money we raise from our Donation Jar to send blankets to the victims. Also, the Service committee discussed plans for our Agrability auction at the Ag Carnival (Sat, Oct 1st). The ANSC club used to hold an auction where we would auction off people for 2 hours of their time; however, under new University polices, people-auctions are no longer allowed. So, after much tossing around of ideas, we decided that every team that enters Ag Carnival will have to auction off something (a shoe, grandma's antique dishes, whatever!), and all of the proceeds of the auction will still go toward Agrability. The incentive for teams to auction off nicer items (and hence raise more money) will be that the team that sells their item at the highest price will earn the most points. (The whole point of Ag Carnival is compete against other clubs to come in first place and ultimate winners of the day.) To be a member of the Service committee, please contact Carolyn at cschnek@udel.edu.
The Pre-Vet committee will be planning a guest speaker and a trip to the Plumpton Park Zoo this semester. They hope to get Dr. Marshall to be a speaker at one of our meetings. He is one of the very charismatic professors in the Animal Science Department, and he is also an Equine Vet. We hope that he will give the club a closer look into the practices of large-animal veterinary medicine. If interested in becoming a member of the Pre-Vet committee, please contact Amanda at aepisano@udel.edu.
The Livestock committee will be planning a trip to Kilby Cream and also organizing practice for livestock-judging for Regionals. The live-stock judging practices may include trips to other farms and other exciting activities. To be a member of the Livestock committee, please contact Lynsey at lschoon@udel.edu.

Car Wash Report
The Car Wash this past Sunday was a success, and we brought in $160.68 for our 3 hours of work. Thanks to everyone who helped out! As far as future car washes are concerned, we may want to find a better place to hold the Car Wash, and we definitely need to implement sign-up sheets. However, we hope to iron out some of these details and have another Car Wash in the Spring.

Halloween Fundraiser: The Hayride vs. Festival Debacle
Last year, we had a Halloween Festival at Webb Farm. It was geared toward little kids, and we had games, face painting, arts & crafts, and a bake sale. As far as fundraising was concerned, the Festival didn't do as well as we had hoped. There just wasn't enough publicity. The three years prior to last, the club had held a Haunted Hayride throughout the UD Farm. The Hayride started off as a huge hit in its first year, but didn't do so hot in the following years. Anyway, with Fall on its way, the club has to make a decision soon on the fate of its Halloween fundraiser. Will it be a bigger and better Halloween Festival, or a fun and hopefully profitable Haunted Hayride? We encourage you to way pros and cons for either fundraiser and come prepared to vote on the matter at next week's meeting. We'll gather logistics on either fundraiser and present them next week.

In order to be an active member, you've got to pay your yearly dues. Dues are $10. For new members, this money will go toward a one-time National Block and Bridle fee. You can start bringing in your money and giving it to Matt at next meeting.

Internship Available
There is an Animal Keep student intern position available at the Brandywine Zoo. If you are interested, please contact Leslie Brennan at Leslie.Brennan@state.de.us or call at 302-571-7747x202.

If we decide to drive to Nationals in Ohio, we will take 2 members' cars and leave early Thursday, Oct 20th. The drive should take between 9 and 12 hours, depending on traffic. We won't get back to UD until late Sunday, Oct 23rd. However, we are going to look into cheap flight prices, so flying may be an option. Registration fee is $190, but then there will also be hotel room costs (as cheap as $89 per room "regardless of occupancy), a few meals, gas?, and personal expenses. If you are still interested in attending Nationals, please email Carolyn at cschnek@udel.edu. She needs checks made payable to OSU Saddle & Sirloin Club for the registration fee of $190 by next Wednesday if you plan on going! Nationals is sure to be an amazing time, so we hope that you will think seriously about attending.

Wow. I think that sums up tonight's meeting. See you at the next meeting on Wednesday, Sept 14th at 6:15 pm in the Kirkwood room of Perkins!

ANSC Club Secretary