Friday, May 14, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 5/12/10

I. Treasurer’s Report
Account: $1,244.27

II. Misty Meadows Recap
A few club members went to Misty Meadows on May 8th and Beth and Amanda recapped the event for us. They found that they ended up learning (trimming goat hooves for example) more than volunteering, which is great for those who went. We will try to do another trip in the fall.

III. Camping Trip
The camping trip is planned for May 14th (Friday) – May 15th (Saturday). Coordinate with the driver of your car on where you will get picked up and exactly what time.

IV. Banquet
It is on the last day of classes, Tuesday May 18th at 5:30pm at Deer Park (at the end of Main Street by New London Rd.). We will be handing out awards/certificates, welcoming the new officers (Jake, Holly, and Tom) and will have the slideshow from our trips.

V. Announcements
o Senior gift assembly volunteers wanted: likely will start tomorrow night (Thursday, May 13th). Email Amanda Otteni if interested (
o Advisor Appreciation Luncheon: Thursday, May 20th, at 11:30am in the Townsend Commons.

**This was the last meeting of the year. Thanks for a great year and enjoy your summer! **

Executive board contact info for 2009-2010:
President: Nicole Aizaga;
VP: Ally Fetsko;
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni;
Secretary: Issey Chew-Chin;
Historians: Julia Robinson;
Carrie Kozar;

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 5/5/10

I. Treasurer’s Report
o $1,244.27

II. Ag Day Recap
The club offered up new ideas to improve Animal Science Club’s Ag Day next year. We will definitely change the shifts to one hour shifts and are looking into other modifications, like pre-assigned jobs and a training session. This year, we made $621.53 at Ag Day! Thanks for everyone’s hard work.

III. Misty Meadows
A volunteer event is scheduled for this Saturday, May 8th, to help at Misty Meadows (a horse barn) in the morning. We are looking for more people to drive so if interested, please email me ( with your name, cell #, and how many you can take if you can drive. You will be reimbursed for gas. If we do not have enough transportation, we will cancel the trip.

IV. Camping Trip
The camping trip is planned for May 14th (Friday) – May 15th (Saturday). Be on the lookout for an email from Julia Robinson with details on the logistics if you are signed up to go camping. We will also need your $10 deposit for food by the next meeting.

V. Banquet
The end of year banquet is on the last day of classes, Tuesday May 18th at 5:30pm at Deer Park (at the end of Main Street by New London Rd.). The club will be paying so please only sign up if you are definitely going! We will be handing out awards/certificates and will have the slideshow from our trips.

VI. Announcements
o Garden for the Community Volunteers Wanted:
Saturday, May 8th: 10am-5pm
Sunday, May 9th: 9-2pm
Just show up at the garden and someone will tell you what to do. The garden is by the girl scouts building on south campus. For more information, contact Katie Pesce (
o Advisor Appreciation Luncheon: Thursday, May 20th, at 11:30am in the Townsend Commons. *If you would like to nominate an advisor (academic or club) please write a few sentences on why you chose your nominee and email Katie ( or drop off in the AgCC mailbox in Townsend 104.
o AgCC Fundraiser: Tuesday, May 11th, 9pm-midnight at the Blue Hen Lanes (at the end of main street behind the Newark Shopping Center). Admission is $10.00, which includes shoes.

**Our next and last meeting will be Wednesday, May 12th at 6pm in Memorial Hall Room 111**
~ see you there ~

Executive board contact info:
President: Nicole Aizaga;
VP: Ally Fetsko;
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni;
Secretary: Issey Chew-Chin;
Historians: Julia Robinson;
Carrie Kozar;

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 4/21/10

I. Treasurer’s Report
Account: $1,244.27

II. Ag Day
Ag Day is this weekend - April 24th (Saturday). You should have received an email with a list of the shift assignments. If there are any questions about the shifts, send me an email.
There is also an extended clean up shift (4-5ish) and set up shift (the pens) on Friday at 12:30pm. Please email me ( if you can help out – this is for the Ag Day Planning Committee and the pens are for ANSC Club.

III. Ag Day T-Shirts
We handed out the t-shirts for Ag Day. If you have not picked yours up yet and want to do so before Ag Day, Nicole will be available to meet at Trabant – just send her an email to arrange a time ( We will also have them at Ag Day.

IV. Guest Speaker
Joyce Massie, admissions coordinator, from Virginia Tech came to speak about getting into vet school and what their school has to offer. If you want to ask any questions, you can send her an email at

V. Emu Farm
The Emu Farm trip is next Wednesday, in place of a regular meeting. We are leaving from behind Townsend at 5:20pm. Questions or concerns – contact Jake Hunt ( You will receive a reminder email early next week.

VI. Announcement from Dr. Griffiths
At Ag Day, there is a sheep sheering demo and Dr. Griffiths wants to know if anyone would be willing to “model” some wool products and bring your Ugg boots. Send her an email at if you can do this.

VII. Upcoming Club Activities
o April 28 (Wednesday) – Emu Farm; *In place of a regular meeting*; Leave from behind Townsend at 5:20pm
o May 1 (Saturday) – Relay for Life
o May 2nd – Philadelphia Zoo. We will leave at 10am from lot 19 and return by 3:30pm. The club has voted to use the club money to pay for half the price. $7.50-$9.50 per person
o May 8 (Saturday) – Misty Meadows Horse Farm help
o May 14-15 (Friday afternoon – Saturday afternoon) – Camping Trip! It will be $10 per person. The last chance to sign up is via email by midnight 4/21/10 (tonight)
o May 18th (Tuesday) – Banquet at Deer Park

**Our next meeting will be Wednesday, May 5th at 6pm in Memorial Hall Room 111**
~ see you there ~

Executive board contact info:
President: Nicole Aizaga;
VP: Ally Fetsko;
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni;
Secretary: Issey Chew-Chin;
Historians: Julia Robinson;
Carrie Kozar;

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 4/14/10

I. Treasurer’s Report

II. Election Results
The club voted on new officers and “superlatives” by year…
President: Jake Hunt Outstanding:
Vice President: Holly Powers Freshman: Becca Sheahan
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni Sophomore: Jake Hunt
Secretary: Issey Chew-Chin Junior: Nicole Aizaga
Historian: Julia Robinson Senior: Kyle Clark
Webmaster: Tom Whitehouse Rookie: Allie Keresman

Congratulations! Thanks to everyone who ran for office – it was an exciting election.

III. Ag Day
Ag Day is next weekend - April 24th (Saturday). Shifts are Friday at 2pm (set up), Saturday 8:30-10am, 10-12, 12-2, and 2-4:30 (clean up). There is an extended clean up shift (4-5ish). Please email me ( if you can help out – this is for the Ag Day Planning Committee. Expect an email this weekend with a list of who is signed up for which shifts and some important details for Ag Day.

IV. Banquet
The club will be going to Deer Park on the last day of classes (Tuesday, May 18th) at 5:30pm. Sign ups will continue next week.

V. Upcoming Club Activities
o April 17 (Saturday) – Steve Cook’s farm (disabled farmer); leave from lot 19 at 12:30pm
o April 18th (Sunday) – Phillie Zoo Trip. $15 per person if >15 people go. Leave from lot 19 at 10am.
o April 21 (Wednesday) – Guest Speaker from Virginia Tech
o April 28 (Wednesday) – Emu Farm; *In place of a regular meeting*; Leave from behind Townsend at 5:20pm
o May 1 (Saturday) – Relay for Life
o May 14-15 (Friday afternoon – Saturday afternoon) – Camping Trip! If can obtain any tents/sleeping bags/camping equipment please do and let Julia Robinson know.

**Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, April 21st at 6pm in Memorial Hall Room 111**
~ see you there ~

Executive board contact info:
President: Nicole Aizaga;
VP: Ally Fetsko;
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni;
Secretary: Issey Chew-Chin;
Historians: Julia Robinson;
Carrie Kozar;

Monday, April 12, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 4/7/10

I. Treasurer’s Report
o Inside Account: $2,043.73
o Outside Account: $1,947.88

II. Ag Day
Ag Day is in two weeks - April 24th (Saturday). Shifts are Friday at 2pm (set up), Saturday 8:30-10am, 10-12, 12-2, and 2-4:30 (clean up). If you have not signed up yet, we could use a few more people at the Friday shift, as well as the 12-2 and 2-4:30 shifts on Saturday. We will be teaching balloon animals after our next meeting. For active membership we ask that you participate in at least one Saturday shift.

III. Banquet
The club will be going to Deer Park on the last day of classes (Tuesday, May 18th) at 5:30pm. Sign ups will begin next week.

IV. Executive Board Nominations and Election
o We started taking nominations (see list at end of minutes)
o If you would like to nominate yourself or another animal science club member please send me ( an email with A.) name of person being nominated and B.) desired position(s). Remember, you need to be an active member to run and must have served on E-board or as a committee chair to run for President.
o Elections on April 14th
o Executive Board positions are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Historian, and Webmaster. NESA responsibilities (ex. letters or scholarship applications, coordinating groups, making arrangements) will be given to the vice president. The VP will also work in coordination with the Livestock Judging President.

V. Upcoming Club Activities
o April 14 (Wednesday) – Elections for Executive Board positions
o April 17 (Saturday) – Steve Cook’s farm (disabled farmer); leave from lot 19 at 12:30pm
o April 18th (Sunday) – Phillie Zoo Trip. $15 per person if >15 people go. Sign Ups start at the next meeting.
o April 21 (Wednesday) – Guest Speaker from Virginia Tech
o April 28 (Wednesday) – Emu Farm; *In place of a regular meeting*; Leave from behind Townsend at 5:20pm
o May 1 (Saturday) – Relay for Life
o May 14-15 (Friday afternoon – Saturday afternoon) – Camping Trip! If can obtain any tents/sleeping bags/camping equipment please do and let Julia Robinson know.

VI. Other Announcements
o Sadly, Dan is leaving us on June 1st. However, he has found an exciting opportunity in purchasing a feed mill and we wish him the best of luck.
o Misty Meadows, Horse farm, would love to take volunteers to help work at the barn for a day (likely May 8) and learn about barn management. If interested, contact Becca (

**Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, April 14th at 6pm in Memorial Hall Room 111**
~ see you there ~

Executive board contact info:
President: Nicole Aizaga;
VP: Ally Fetsko;
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni;
Secretary: Issey Chew-Chin;
Historians: Julia Robinson;
Carrie Kozar;

Nominations so far are as follows:
President: Jake Hunt, Steph Shapiro, Julia Robinson, Holly Powers, Issey Chew-Chin
Vice President: Carrie Kozar, Holly Powers, Becca Sheahan, Steph Shapiro
Secretary: Brooke Fenamore, Steph Shapiro, Sarah Thorne, Issey Chew-Chin
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni, Beth Goodland
Historian: Julia Robinson, Brooke Fenamore, Stephanie Shapiro, Allie Keresman
Webmaster: Sarah Thorne, Claire Cooper

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/24/10

I. Treasurer’s Report

II. Ag Day
Ag Day is on April 24th (Saturday). Shifts are Friday at 2pm (set up), Saturday 8:30-10am, 10-12, 12-2, and 2-4:30 (clean up). It’s not too late to sign up – we could use a few more people at the Friday shift, as well as the 12-2 and 2-4:30 shifts on Saturday. We will be teaching balloon animals after spring break. For active membership we ask that you participate in at least one Saturday shift.

III. Ag Day T-Shirts
It is a teal shirt with white writing with the slogan, “Just moo it” along with a cow patched Nike swoosh. The t-shirts are $10.00 each. It is imperative that you pay by April 7th if you sign(ed) up!

IV. Banquet
The club will be going to Deer Park on the last day of classes. This is a great way to celebrate the end of the year and welcome new e-board members.

V. Executive Board Nominations and Election
o begin to accept nominations via email on Monday, March 29th and will continue up until day of election.
o If you would like to nominate yourself or another animal science club member please send me ( an email with A.) name of person being nominated and B.) desired position(s). Remember, you need to be an active member to run and must have served on E-board or as a committee chair to run for President.
o Elections on April 14th
o Executive Board positions are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Historian, and Webmaster. Details on NESA responsibilities are soon to come in an email from Nicole.
o Any questions about the positions, feel free to contact one of the current exec board members (See contact info at end of minutes)

VI. Upcoming Club Activities
April 17 (Saturday) – Steve Cook’s farm (disabled farmer); leave from lot 19 @12:30pm
April 14 (Wednesday) – Elections for Executive Board positions
April 21 (Wednesday) – Guest Speaker from Virginia Tech
April 28 (Wednesday) – Emu Farm; *In place of a regular meeting*; Leave from behind Townsend at 5:20pm; sign ups will continue after spring break
May 1 (Saturday) – Relay for Life; we will start a team after spring break
May 15-16 (mid Saturday – Sunday afternoon) – Camping Trip!

**Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, April 7th at 6pm in Memorial Hall Room 111**
~ Have a great Spring Break ~

Executive board contact info:
President: Nicole Aizaga;
VP: Ally Fetsko;
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni;
Secretary: Issey Chew-Chin;
Historians: Julia Robinson;
Carrie Kozar;

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/17/10

I. Treasurer’s Report
o Account: $2,072.04

II. Membership
Anyone who has any questions about membership can contact one of the officers (contact info is at the end)

III. Ag Day
Ag Day is on April 24th (Saturday). Sign ups will continue at the next meeting. Shifts are Friday at 2pm (set up), Saturday 8:30-10am, 10-12, 12-2, and 2-4:30 (clean up). We will be teaching balloon animals after spring break. For active membership we ask that you participate in at least one Saturday shift.

IV. Ag Day T-Shirts
It is a teal shirt with white writing with the slogan, “Just moo it” along with a cow patched Nike swoosh. The t-shirts are $10.00 each and the last day to sign up/ pay is April 7th.

V. Fun facts about cows
o Have been called “foster mothers of the human race” because they produce much more milk than we can ever hope to produce.
o Cows must have a calf before she can produce milk!
o A cow can milk usually for 3-4 years
o Often about 2 years old at birth of first calf.
o Chew their cud about 8 hrs/day.
o We will have Holstein cows

VI. Banquet
The club voted and we will be going to Deer Park on the last day of classes. This is where we went last year and those who went enjoyed it. It was also more affordable.

VII. Guest Speaker
Patrick Carol from the Delaware Humane Society came to speak to us about their facility and their practices. They are a non-profit organization that does not kill any of their animals and rely on donations and volunteers to run the program. If you are interested in volunteering or even just going in for a tour, check out their website: under the “Volunteer” section.

VIII. Upcoming Club Activities
April 10 (Saturday) – Steve Cook’s farm (disabled farmer); sign ups start next Wed.
April 14 (Sunday) – begin taking nominations for E-board
April 21 (Wednesday) – Guest Speaker from Virginia Tech
April 28 (Wednesday) – Emu Farm; *In place of a regular meeting* (aka not a
mandatory meeting – just for fun); Leave from behind Townsend at 4:45pm; sign
ups start next Wednesday.

IX. Announcements
o Livestock Judging Club Preemptive Announcement: Becca Sheahan is working hard to start up a Livestock Judging Club, which will become an official club by April 30. There will be an interest meeting later this spring.

**Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, March 24th at 6pm in Memorial Hall Room 111**
~ See you there ~

Executive board contact info:
President: Nicole Aizaga;
VP: Ally Fetsko;
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni;
Secretary: Issey Chew-Chin;
Historians: Julia Robinson;
Carrie Kozar;

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/10/10

I. Treasurer’s Report
o Account: $2,072.04

II. Membership
Anyone who has any questions about membership can contact one of the officers (contact info is at the end)

III. Ag Day
Ag Day is on April 24th (Saturday). Sign ups started this meeting and will continue at the next. Shifts are Friday at 2pm (set up), Saturday 8:30-10am, 10-12, 12-2, and 2-4:30 (clean up). We will be teaching the art of balloon animals after spring break. For active membership we ask that you participate in at least one Saturday shift.

IV. Ag Day T-Shirts
It is a teal shirt with white writing with the slogan, “Just moo it” along with a cow patched Nike swoosh. The t-shirts are $10.00 each and the last day to sign up/ pay is April 7th.

V. Facts about Sheep
o Primary uses: meat, wool, dairy
o The sheep that we will have are dual-purpose Dorsets (used for both their meat and wool)
o Sheep are ruminant animals - they have 4 compartments of the stomach, just like the cow
o Life span: 6-11 years
o Fairly common for ewes to give birth to twins (especially when bred to produce many offspring).

VI. Officer Positions and Elections
We will take nominations on April 14th and elections will be April 21st. New officers will be shown the ropes so they can get some experience before they assume office.
Positions are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and currently there are 2 Historian positions. However, there is a chance that we will just have 1 historian and 1 webmaster. A NESA leadership position is also under discussion. If you want more information about a specific executive board position, please contact the appropriate current officer (see information at the end of these minutes)

VII. Camping Trip
We are planning a camping trip in May. It will be half a weekend long and we ask that you bring $5-10 for food. More details to come.

VIII. Announcements
o Alpha Zeta interest meetings:
- Monday, March 8th, 7-8pm in the Perkins Scrounge
- Friday, March 12th, 3-4pm also in the Perkins Scrounge
There will be free pizza! Look for three girls wearing AZ t-shirts. Requirements to join are that you must be at least a second semester freshman in the Ag School and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. This is a national co-ed fraternity of the Ag School.

**Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, March 17th at 6pm in Memorial Hall Room 111**
~ See you there ~

Executive board contact info:
President: Nicole Aizaga;
VP: Ally Fetsko;
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni;
Secretary: Issey Chew-Chin;
Historians: Julia Robinson;
Carrie Kozar;

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/3/10

I. Active Membership Review
To be an active member, we ask that you:
o Attend 75% of meetings (extenuating circumstances, such as class or work, may be considered)
o Participate in at least 1 fundraising and 1 community service activity per semester
o Participate in at least one shift at Ag Day for ANSC Club (unless you are on the Ag Day committee/class)
o Serve on one committee per semester
o Pay a one-time National Block and Bridle fee and an annual due
Benefits of active membership include:
o Ability to vote and run for office
o Attend National and Regional conferences (ex. NESA)
o Trip discounts/attendance benefits (ex. end of year banquet)
*If you have any questions, feel free to email/contact any of the officers (see information at end)

II. Ag Day
Ag Day is set for April 24th (Saturday). We will have a petting zoo with a milking and sheep shearing demonstration. We plan to have dairy cattle, sheep, chickens, and chicks. We will also have face painting and balloon animals at a specific time of the day. Remember: we require ALL ANSC Club members to participate in at least one shift. Shifts will be Friday afternoon/evening (set up), (Saturday) 8:30-10am, 10-12, 12-2, and 2-4:30. Next week we will start sign ups and we will have a short info session during our meeting about sheep so please try to make it to the meeting!

III. Shirt Designs
We chose “Just moo it” with the nike symbol and cow pattern as our design and the club voted for a teal shirt with white writing. Prices TBA.

IV. Facts about Chicks (a baby chicken –get your mind out of the gutter)
o A hen takes 1 day to lay an egg
o Incubation time: 21 days
o There are more chicks than there are people in Delaware
o They have NO teeth, so they will swallow their food whole – remember from classes that chicks/chickens have two digestive stomach contraptions: the gizzard (physically grinds food) and the proventriculus (uses digestive enzymes to break down food).

V. Announcements
o Next week, a speaker from the Delaware Humane Society will visit during the meeting
o VA Tech guest speaker will visit the club during our meeting on April 21.
o If you are graduating this year, please email me (

**Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, March 10th at 6pm in Memorial Hall Room 111**
~ See you there ~

Contact info:
President: Nicole Aizaga;
VP: Ally Fetsko;
Treasurer: Amanda Otteni;
Secretary: Issey Chew-Chin;
Historians: Julia Robinson;
Carrie Kozar;

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 2/24/10

I. Active Membership Review
We recapped the requirements and benefits of being an active member of Animal Science Club. To be an active member, we ask that you:
o Attend 75% of meetings (extenuating circumstances, such as class or work, may be considered – please talk to Nicole if you are concerned)
o Participate in at least 1 fundraising and 1 community service activity per semester
o Participate in at least one shift at Ag Day for ANSC Club (unless you are on the Ag Day committee/class)
o Serve on one committee per semester
o Pay a one-time National Block and Bridle fee and an annual due
Benefits of active membership include:
o Ability to vote and run for office
o Attend National and Regional conferences (ex. NESA)
o Trip discounts/attendance benefits (ex. end of year banquet)

II. NESA winners
Congrats to the NESA winners! We actually placed this year, which is a great achievement for Animal Science Club. Great work NESA-ers

III. Ag Day
Save the date! Ag Day is set for April 24th (Saturday). We are planning continuing with our petting zoo, complete with a milking and sheep shearing demonstration. We plan to have dairy cattle, sheep, chickens, and chicks. We will also have face painting and balloon animals at a specific time of the day. Remember that we require all ANSC Club members to participate in at least one shift! Next week we will have a short info session during our meeting about chicks so please try to come to the meeting.

IV. Shirt Designs
T-shirt design ideas for Ag Day are due at our next meeting (March 3). We will be voting and choosing colors for the t-shirt at our next meeting, as well.

V. Relay for Life
The date for Relay for Life is Saturday, May 1. Try to keep the date open, especially if you are planning on attending.

VI. Announcements
o AgCC/FFA is hosting an Activities Night (an ice-cream social event) tonight (Thursday) from 8-10pm in the Townsend Commons to celebrate FFA week. This event is open to the entire Ag School
o The Spring Fling is next Thursday from 5:30-8pm, also in Townsend Hall. Go to support Garden for the Community – the cost is $10 for students (bring your ID). There will be soup and homemade bread, along with a live band.

**Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, March 3rd at 6pm in Memorial Hall Room 111**
~ See you there ~

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Animal Science Club Minutes 2/17/10

I. Active Membership Review
We reviewed the requirements and benefits of being an active member of Animal Science Club. To be an active member, we ask that you:
o Attend 75% of meetings (extenuating circumstances, such as class or work, may be considered – please talk to Nicole if you are concerned)
o Participate in at least 1 fundraising and 1 community service activity per semester
o Participate in at least one shift at Ag Day for ANSC Club (unless you are on the Ag Day committee/class)
o Serve on one committee per semester
o Pay a one-time National Block and Bridle fee and an annual due
Benefits of active membership include:
o Ability to vote and run for office
o Attend National and Regional conferences (ex. NESA)
o Trip discounts/attendance benefits (ex. end of year banquet)

University of Rhode Island will be hosting the NESA competition this year. NESA is this weekend: February 19th (Friday) – February 21st (Sunday). Good luck and have fun to those who are attending.

III. Ag Day
Save the date! Ag Day is set for April 24th (Saturday). We will decide which animals we will have at our station at a later meeting as well as a t-shirt design. We will have face painting and balloon animals. Remember that we require all ANSC Club members to participate in at least one shift!

IV. Committee meetings (ideas/potential plans)
Service: Steve Cook’s farm help (April), Pat Carol (former ANSC club prez and current head of the DE Humane Society) guest speaker (March), collection drive for DE Humane Society
Social: end of year banquet – last day of classes (time and place to be announced)
Pre-vet: Phillie Zoo trip, Virginia Tech speaker
Livestock: Herrs Factory visit, ostrich farm
Fundraising: yarn sale (possibly gift baskets, possibly knit scarves), Ag Day planning

V. Announcements
o AgCC First Meeting: February 22nd, 7pm in Townsend 009. AgCC is basically the backbone of the Ag College Clubs and they are looking for more members. They will also be looking for new officers soon. Definitely try to make it if you can.
o Ag Ambassador applications are being accepted – the deadline to submit should be sometime around the end of this month. For more information, contact Marissa Gilinsky ( or Nicole Aizaga (

**Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, February 24th at 6pm in Memorial Hall Room 111**
~ See you there ~