Monday, November 17, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 11/12/08

I. We welcomed Robert Dimeo to speak with us about admissions at University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.

II. If you ordered a sweatshirt and have not paid for it, please get the money in as soon as possible to Dawn. They are $15 and can be paid for in cash or a check to “Animal Science Club”.

III. Steve Cook’s Farm
o This Sunday, 11/16
o We are helping with pig vaccines, building projects, and other various things
o Please meet at Lot 19 no later than 8:30am to carpool

IV. At our meeting on December 3rd, we are welcoming a guest speaker from St. Georges University veterinary school in Grenada to speak with us.

V. Amazon Gift Wrap
o The signups for the gift wrap were available to sign.
o The dates are 12/15 and 12/17.
o If you can help out on those dates, please email Dawn ( to sign up.

VI. Livestock Trip
o Signups for the trip to Maryland to speak with Dr. Riddle, an equine veterinarian, and see his facility began this week.
o It is on Saturday, December 6th.
o We will meet in Lot 19 at 10am to carpool.
o If you would still like to sign up, please email me ( with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?).

VII. Holiday Dinner at Dr. Griffiths’s house
o Sunday, December 7th.
o We will meet in Lot 19 at 3:30pm to carpool.
o We began signups this week, and if you would like to sign up over email, please email me ( with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?).

VIII. Longwood Gardens
o We are visiting Longwood Gardens on the last day of class, December 10th.
o Please meet in Lot 19 no later than 5:30pm to carpool.
o The club is paying for members that have paid their dues; otherwise admission is about $3.
o We began signups this week, and if you would like to sign up over email, please email me ( with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?).

o It will be held the weekend of February 27th at UConn.
o A non-binding interest signup began this week and will be available later.

X. Announcements
o AgCC Game Night is Thursday, November 20th from 7-9pm in the Townsend Commons.

XI. There will be no meeting the week of Thanksgiving on Wednesday, November 26th.

Instead of a meeting next week, we are meeting at Ally and Amanda’s house (39 Center Street) for a potluck dinner!
Please meet there at 5:30pm and bring something tasty!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 11/5/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:
o $1384.29 (Not including the money from our Pumpkin Sale)
II. Sweatshirts
We began collecting money for our club sweatshirts this meeting. Remember, they are $15 each and you can pay with cash or a check to “Animal Science Club”. Please get your money in as soon as possible so we can order them.

III. Recaps:
o Milburn Orchards: We went apple picking, ate delicious apple cider doughnuts with apple cider, and shopped around the market. If you have any pictures please send them to Ally ( or Michelle (mlapera@udel.ed).
o Pumpkin Sale: Our sale was a huge success! We made $578 in total, great work everyone! Also, we will be passing around a thank you card at our next meeting for Scott Ramsey, who donated all of the pumpkins and other goods for free!
o Halloween Potluck: We ate good food, watched awesome movies, and had a great time at 54 New London, whether you were in costume or not. If you have any pictures please send them to Ally ( or Michelle (mlapera@udel.ed).

IV. Steve Cook’s farm
o We are going to Steve Cook’s farm to volunteer our time and hard work on Sunday, November 16th.
o We will be helping with pig vaccines, building projects, and other work. We might also be able to get some practice for livestock judging.
o The meeting time will be announced later, but will be in Lot 19 Sunday morning.
o Signups began circulating, and will be available at next week’s meeting. If you would like to sign up via email, please email me ( with your name, cell #, and if you can drive (how many?).

V. Amazon Gift Wrap
o Dawn reserved two dates for us to help with the gift wrap as a fundraising opportunity. This year we will get $1 per present wrapped.
o The dates are Monday 12/15 and Wednesday 12/17. It will be from 2-6pm.
o Signups started, and will be available next meeting. If you would like to sign up via email, please email Dawn ( with your name, what day(s) you would like to work, and if you can drive (how many?).

VI. Livestock Trip
o We will be visiting an equine veterinarian in Maryland, Dr. Riddle, to learn about his practice and techniques on Saturday, December 6th.
o We will probably leave Lot 19 around 11am, but a definite time will be announced later.
o Signups will be available next week.

VII. Longwood Gardens
o We are going on our annual trip to Longwood Gardens, to see the “magical” botanical gardens decorated for the holidays.
o We are going on the last day of classes, December 10th at 5:30pm instead of our normal meeting. Signups will be started on a later date, and we will carpool there.

VIII. NESA Registration
o NESA will be held on February 27-28th, 2009 at UConn.
o We participate in livestock judging, quizbowl, and presentations.
o We are starting interest signups next week because we need to register early since we won’t be together in the winter. Please check the dates and sign up if you can make it.

IX. Other Announcements:
o AgCC is holding a game night on Thursday, November 20th. Mark it off on your calendars and more info to come!

X. Committee meetings were held. Future ideas included the following:
o Service: helping with a therapeutic riding center in the spring
o Livestock: outdoorsy activities
o Pre-vet: New Bolton Center tour; doctors from Windcrest to come speak
o Social: Potluck at Ally and Amanda’s house on Center Street on November 19th instead of a meeting; Holiday party and secret Santa at the Dr. Griffiths’ house (more info to come); picnic on the green in the spring; zoo/aquarium trips in the spring
o Fundraising: Amazon giftwrap soon; carwash in the spring; Main Street restaurant fundraiser

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 12th.
It will be at 5:30pm in 123 Memorial Hall.
Remember, a speaker from UPenn vet school will be talking with us, so please come prepared with any questions you have to ask!