Thursday, March 13, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/12/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. Nicole gave us all an entertaining recap of our social meeting at California Tortilla.

III. Steve Cook farm help
o This Sunday, March 16th
o We will meet at Lot 19 ready to leave by 8:30am
o Lunch will be provided 
o We will return back to campus between 1-2pm

IV. Ag Day! (Saturday, April 26th from 10am-4pm)
o T-shirts
 As voted upon, the color this year will be Kelly Green
 We will vote on the suggestions collected last week for the “Top 10 Reasons you Love Animal Science”. Please email Jen ( with your top 5 votes so we can have them ready for next meeting.
 We will begin the signups for the t-shirts at next week’s meeting, and keep in mind they will cost about $10 each.
o Shifts
 The shifts will be as follows: 8:30-10:00am, 10:00-12:00pm, 12:00-2:00pm, and 2:00-4:30pm.
 Also, we need at least 5 people to help out on the Friday before to help set up Ag Day. This will not count as a shift for the club though.
 Sign ups will start at next week’s meeting, so think about what shift will work with your schedule.
o Facepainting
 Lisa has volunteered to make a new poster with easy facepainting options. Thanks!
 We are currently asking for extra tables and chairs so we can paint more faces at one time
o Animals
 Dairy cow, dairy calf, chickens, ewes, and lambs
 Chicks and various eggs
 We will not have goats this year
 Demonstrations in sheep shearing, hoof trimming, and possibly milking

V. Club Constitution
As a club, the revisions on the old constitution were discussed and corrected. Next week we will be voting on the changes to solidify a new constitution for the club. A revised constitution will be sent out to all members within the next few days to look over. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please email Jen (

VI. AgCC Game Night: Thursday, March 20th
o From 7:00-8:30pm in the Townsend Commons
o There will be free snacks and drinks
o Board games will be provided
o Bring your own board games if you'd like, and come out with your friends for a fun break!

VII. We held committee meetings and each chairperson reported back to the club:
o Livestock:
 Invited Susan Garey to come in to talk with us
 Harrington Raceway trip: either May 11th or May 18th (to be voted on by the club), behind-the-scenes tour of paddocks, training, and other places, $12-15 buffet dinner
o Pre-vet:
 Exotic vet expected to talk with us next week, the following week, or April 30th
 Philly Zoo trip either April 13th or April 20th (vote)
 UPenn vet panel later in the semester
o Service:
 Steve Cook’s farm this Sunday
 Webb farm cleanup TBA
 Park trail cleanup TBA
 Relay for Life on May 3rd. If you’d like to sign up still, please email me ( to sign up.
o Fundraising:
 Car Wash on April 12th or April 19th (vote)
 Hopefully will schedule a fundraiser at Grotto’s
o Social:
 A Sunday afternoon picnic when it gets warmer
 Possibly bowling at Blue Hen Lanes
 Banquet on May 21st at Kate’s

**Next meeting will be Wednesday, March 19th.
We will be meeting in 111 Memorial Hall at 6:00pm**

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