Thursday, March 27, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/26/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. Philly Zoo trip
o The date will be either on April 13th or 20th.
o When we find out the date, you will get an email. If we plan on going the 13th, you will need to sign up over email.

III. Relay for Life
o Jessie will be emailing those who have signed up to participate in Relay for Life with all the details you need.

IV. Ag Day!
o Our t-shirt design is finally done and the final “Top 10” list was written on the board.
o If you would like a shirt and haven’t signed up for one, pleas email me ( with your name and shirt size. You must let me know by Sunday, April 6th to be able to get one.
o Shift sign ups are still going on. We still have a few more spots left during the last shift, and one spot left on the first shift. Once these shifts are filled, we can open up a few more time slots to include those who haven’t signed up yet.
o We currently have 3 useable posters: the clock, Sheep Fun Facts, and Sheep Shearing.
o Each committee came up with a poster idea or two:
 Livestock: Chicken/chick matching
 Fundraising: How to Milk a Cow, and Animal IDs
 Social: Dairy Cow Fun Facts
 Pre-Vet: Life Cycle of a Chicken
 Service: Alumni board

V. Our advisor, Dan Severson, has invited members of the Animal Science Club to be TA’s for his ANSC111 lab next fall semester. Email him at if you are interested!

VI. Harrington Raceway trip
o We are going Sunday, May 18th.
o Times and details TBA

That’s all for now, have a great spring break and keep an eye out for a reminder email for our next meeting!

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