Thursday, May 15, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 5/14/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. Vince recapped our fundraiser at Grotto’s Pizza. According to Grotto’s we averaged making about $150-200 for our club. Good job everyone!

III. Harrington Raceway
o Sunday, May 18th
o Meet in Lot 19 at 1pm
o If you are signed up to go, you should get an email with details such as directions and a rough schedule of events
o Costs are still up in the air due to miscommunication. Dinner was going to be around $12, but it might be covered. Admission has also not been determined, so keep a lookout for an email letting you know these details.

IV. Banquet!
o Wednesday, May 21st (instead of a meeting)
o Meet at Klondike Kate’s on Main Street (upstairs room)
o Banquet starts at 6pm
o If you have not already paid Dawn the $15, please bring it to the banquet or get it to her as soon as possible.
o The dress is semi-formal (girls – dresses/skirts/sundresses/nice pants. guys – khakis/nice pants/nice shirt)

V. Elections were held to fill positions of next year’s executive board. The following are the new officers for the 2008-2009 school year:
o President: Lorna Dougherty
o Vice President: Jessie Bussanich
o Treasurer: Dawn Lenihan
o Secretary: Katie Koenig
o Historians: Ally Fetsko and Michelle Lapara

VI. General Announcements:
o Advisor Appreciation Luncheon is on Thursday, May 22 at 11:30am.

Our next meeting will be the End of the Year Banquet!
See everyone there! 

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