Thursday, May 08, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 5/7/08

Today we had a wonderful meeting out on the North Green in the amazing weather!

I. Treasurer’s Report:
Side note: These numbers were taken from last week’s minutes as we did not have an update this week.

II. Nicole recapped our club’s participation at Relay for Life this past weekend. It was really fun and all proceeds went to a great cause – The American Cancer Society. Our club raised a huge $1,182.50 and UD raised over $125,000! Great job everyone!!

III. Grotto’s Fundraiser
o Tomorrow, Thursday May 8th from 4-9pm!
o Hand out flyers to everyone you know to get 20% of their bill forwarded to the Animal Science Club!

IV. Harrington Raceway Trip
o Join us on a trip to Harrington Raceway with Susan Garey, who will bring us on a behind the scenes tour. Also, a buffet style dinner will be included in the cost.
o It is on Sunday, May 18th
o We are leaving at 1pm from Lot 19 (If you can drive, please contact me!)
o The cost has yet to be determined, but you will know ASAP!
o If you would like to sign up, please email me ( with your name, cell number, and if you can drive.

V. Banquet
o Our end of the year banquet will be held at Klondike Kate’s on Main Street
o It is on Wednesday, May 21st at 6pm
o The cost will be $15. You can pay Dawn at the next meeting.
o The dress is semi-formal (girls – dresses/skirts/sundresses/nice pants and guys – khakis/nice shirt)
o Awards will be voted upon and presented at the banquet. Think about who you would like to vote on for the following: Outstanding Freshman, Outstanding Sophomore, Outstanding Junior, Outstanding Senior, Most Enthusiastic, Best Rookie, and Hardest Worker at Ag Day

VI. General Announcements
o Advisor Appreciation Luncheon
 May 22nd at 11:30am in the Townsend Commons
 Advisor nominations will be accepted until May 15th
o AgCC officer positions are available for next year. Ask next meeting for an application if you are interested.
o Senior Picnic
 May 16th from 2:30-5pm at Webb Farm
 Food, ice cream, and t-shirts for seniors and grad students!

VII. Nominations
This week, the club nominated members to fill the positions on the 2008-2009 Executive Board. We will vote on them at next week’s meeting. If you are running, please be prepared to stand up front and tell a little about yourself and why you think you would be a good candidate to fill the position.

Our next (and last!) meeting of the semester will be on Wednesday, May 14th.
It will be at 6pm in 111 Memorial.
Also, if you would like to learn how to make balloon animals courtesy of Dan, plan to stay after the meeting 

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