Friday, September 16, 2005

Hey Animal Science Club! Here are the minutes from last night's meeting:

Attention: Room Change!
Due to scheduling conflicts, the Animal Science Club meetings will no longer be held in Perkins. Our new meeting place is room 037 Memorial. Sorry for the confusion last night, but thanks to everyone for being so cooperative!

Treasurer's Report:
Inside Account: does not have books yet
Outside Account: $698.65

Unfortunately, rising costs for Nationals (estimated total cost of about $400) has led to decreased member interest. So, we will no longer be going to Nationals this year. On the positive side, because we will no longer be putting our carwash profits toward Nationals, we have $160.68 that we can put toward some other use. We will vote on the use of the carwash profits at a later meeting, but some ideas included putting the money toward T-shirts, using it to fund Ag Carnival costs, etc.

Newark Community Days
Community Day is this Sunday, 9/18 from 10am-4pm on the Green. The ANSC Club will have a table across from Sharp on the North Green, where we'll be doing face-painting, crafts, and other fun, kid-oriented activities to get involved with the community. In order to help set-up and clean-up, we have shifts starting at 7am and going until 5pm. Sign-up sheets were passed around at the meeting, and if you are still interested in helping out, please contact Carolyn at Remember: to be an active member (as stated in our constitution), you need to participate in at least one fundraising and one service project per semester. (Community Days counts toward a service activity.)
We also discussed what charity we would like to benefit with our "Donations Jar" profits from Community Day, because we decided that we would receive more donations if we designated a charity ahead of time and posted signs about it on Community Day. One idea was to give our donations to a Humane Association for animal victims of hurricane Katrina. Another idea was to donate our money to a Therapeutic Riding Stable. After voting on the issue, we decided to give our Community Day donations to the Humane Association. However, we may want to benefit the Therapeutic Riding Stable at a later date and use that as an additional service activity.

Ag Carnival
This fun, Ag-Club event will be held on Saturday, Oct 1st on Webb Farm. Team sign-ups will be at next meeting. We can encourage everyone to come out and enjoy Ag Carnival, and if you're interested in participating in some of the day's friendly competition, please think about joining a team--because the ANSC Club can have as many teams as we want!
We also talked about what event the club would like to sponsor. (Every participating club sponsors one of the day's activities.) We decided that we're going to try and sponsor a Pedal Tractor obstacle course. (Pedal tractors, from my understanding, are like little kids' bicycles... so our obstacle course will make for a very comedic event!) The club talked about possibly purchasing pedal tractors ($60 each) with the money we earned from the carwash, or maybe buying some sort of other cheap bike and pretending it's a "tractor." However, the best idea yet was to ask companies to donate Pedal Tractors to the club, which we will then auction off as our item for the Auction.. and all of the proceeds will go toward Agribility. Amanda is going to try and contact different companies (perhaps the Tractor Supply Company, Deer Creek Equipment, etc.) and ask if they would like to make a charitable donation to our club. We may even invite the companies to the Carnival for lunch/Auction, and we can ask them if they would be willing to donate other additional items to the auction. If you have any additional ideas on how we can handle our Pedal Tractor obstacle course, please email Amanda at

Once again, to be an active member, you must pay dues! All dues must be given to Matt by October 5th. (Dues are $10 and can be given in either cash or check made payable to Animal Science Club.)

Halloween Fundraiser
This was the big decision of the night: to do a Haunted Hayride or a Halloween Festival. Some of the major issues discussed for the Hayride were liability (who's responsible if someone gets hurt?), incurring costs (how will we pay for possible damage to tractors, etc.?), and drivers (do we have responsible and reliable people to drive the tractors?). One of the problems discussed about the Festival was the potential parking hazards. After much debate about pros and cons, the club voted on the matter... and the decision was that our Halloween Fundraiser will be the Hayride. The Hayride is going to be a lot of hand work, and it will require major effort from everyone in the club, but as long as we put our hearts and souls into it... it has the potential to be an extremely fun and profitable fundraiser.
Here are some of the logistics that we've already begun to discuss about the Hayride:
-Hold the Hayride on the weekend of Oct. 21st and 22nd. This is parent's weekend, and we have a home football game on Saturday, both which give us excellent publicity opportunities.
-Can we get ACE funding? The University will fund a percent of the start-up capita of an event if it provides an alternative to drinking.
- Need to talk to Scott (farm manager) and plan stations, teams, and budgets.
-Get pumpkins donated? And sell them and perhaps cider, cookies, etc. to people while they're waiting for the Hayride.
-Avoid liability issues by having participants sign a waiver.
-Run a dusk ride for little kids.
-Let people reserve wagons in advance for specific times at reduced rates. (Popular with fraternities, sororities, and other clubs.)
-Do we want to run the Hayride for 2 or 3 nights?
-Split the Hayride with Alpha Zeta. Should it be 50/50, and each club is responsible for their own publicity, stations, etc.?
-Need to track down experienced tractor drivers. Would their incentive be a financial reimbursement from the club?
There is a lot more that we need to discuss before the Hayride can really get moving. A Hayride committee was formed to talk about these issues and to collaborate with AZ. I was appointed as committee chair, and also on the committee are Matt, Carolyn, and Jessie Bussanich. If you have preliminary Hayride questions/suggestions, please email me at

New Service Committee Chair
Our former Service chair can no longer attend club meetings for personal reasons, so Danielle Smarsh will be our new Service chair. If you are on the Service committee, you may want to contact Danielle at

Trip to Kilby Cream
The club will be taking a trip to Kilby Cream (an ice cream shop with dairy facility) after a quick meeting on September 21st. The meeting next week will be pushed up to 6pm so that we can discuss Ag Carnival preparations, and then we will be meeting at 6:30pm in the Russell parking lot to head to the Kilby Cream. If you are interested in joining us on our ice cream adventure, please contact Lynsey at

I think that's it for yesterday's meeting. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and we look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on Wednesday, 9/21 at 6pm in 037 Memorial. (Note the change of time and place!)

ANSC Club Secretary

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