Monday, February 13, 2006

Welcome back Animal Science Club!

Here are the minutes from our first meeting of the semester:

New Officers and Committee Chairs Needed
The Executive Board went through a few changes this past Winter Session. One of our Historians, Jodi Lasko, graduated over Winter, and our Treasurer, Matt Brodsky, decided to take some time off from school. In order to run smoothly, the club is looking for members to fill these vacancies and assume their duties ASAP. If you would like to run for Historian or Treasurer, please email me at before Wednesday. The club will take a vote at the next meeting. (Duties for Treasurer include: collecting dues and receipts, keeping accurate inventory, handle all expenses, submit annual treasurer's report, and serve as Fundraising Committee Chair. Duties for Historian include: help in compiling scrapbook, take pictures at events, and maintain club website.)
The club is also looking for a new Social Committee Chair and a new Pre-Vet Committee Chair. If you are interested in either position, please email before Wednesday, and we will vote on this next meeting.
*Reminder* If you are interested in running for next year's President, then you must have at least served as a committee chair. We encourage all of our members to consider our open positions as an excellent opportunity to get more involved with ANSC Club.

We are still debating whether we want our scrapbook to follow the National Block and Bridle guidelines in order to be submitted, or if we want our scrapbook to be more of a personal-picture-album-type scrapbook. If we want to turn it in to BB, then it will require committee chairs to keep better documents of activities. Please take a look at the requirements ( , and we will take a final vote on the matter at the next meeting.

Alumni Newsletter
Our Alumni Newsletter was sent out over Winter Break. Thanks, Jodi!

Semester Calendar
Please check out our revamped club website at It contains up-to-date club minutes and a calendar of events for the Spring Semester. If you would like to see the ANSC Club do certain events or activities this semester, please share your ideas by emailing Amanda at One of our most important events this semester is AG Day, and we'd like to dedicate the club meeting before AG Day entirely to preparation for the event. We would like to think of new crafts and possibly incorporate an educational theme. Although we will discuss more about AG Day at future meetings, please start brainstorming ideas. Also, start to think about awards you'd like to give out at our Awards Banquet at the end of the semester.

We will be taking University vans and leaving for Amherst at 12:30pm on Friday, 2/24, and returning to Delaware on Sunday, 2/26. Remember that you will need at least one nice outfit for the awards dinner. Also, please be prepared if you will be presenting a scientific paper at the meeting. (Email Carolyn at for more information.)
There will be a livestock judging practice at Amanda's house on Friday, 2/17. We will be meeting in the Russell lot at 3:45pm to drive over. If you are going to Regionals, we ask that you make an effort to come to this practice, as it should be very beneficial.

That's it for last week's minutes. Please be reminded that there will be committee meetings this week. Also, our meeting has been moved to Wednesdays at 5:30pm in Memorial 111. Take note of this change, and we're sorry if this comes as an inconvenience to any of you.

See you Wednesday, 2/15 at 5:30pm in MEM 111.

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