Friday, April 07, 2006

Hello Animal Science Club!

Thanks to Jen Puttress, here are the Minutes from this week's meeting:

Treasurer's Report


Our guest speaker from last week is unable to come to Ag Day this year, and would like us to display some of the literature at our table at Ag Day.

Steve Cook

Because of our difficulty helping out Steve Cook this year (we got lost) we're going to have to reschedule for next semester.

Guest Speaker

Next week, we will have a guest speaker from Perdue. Please come and bring questions. He will be speaking about work in animal industry.

Dairy Tour

Our tour of the dairy for a disabled woman will take place on Weds, April 19 at 4pm. A sign up sheet was sent around to give the tour.

Guest Speaker

That same day, at our meeting, Dr. Culp, and Army Corps. vet will be speaking to the club.

Plant Sale

Plant sale order forms will be distributed as soon as we have all the plant names. This will be our major fund raiser for the spring, so everyone sell. Especially to faculty members! Another idea is to place adds in the UD classifieds. More about this will be discussed next week.Car WashThe car wash fundraiser for the spring has been scrapped in favor of concentrating our efforts on the plant sale to raise money.


The ANSC club banquet will be held on May 10 at Timothy's. Please send any award nominations to Amanda, Jess, or Carolyn. **Don't send your nomination to the person you're nominating


Ag Day is Saturday, April 29. We decided to have a display about feed for our education display. We will also have a "make your own animal feed" activity for kids. The animals we will be concentrating on are sheep (ruminants) and chickens (non-rum). In addition, we will have facepainting. The shirts will most likely cost $7-$9. The exact cost will be known by next meeting.

High School Committee

If you are on the committee for the high school quiz bowl or are interested in helping out, we will be meeting at 5, before the next business meeting in 111 Mem.

Delaware Humane Society

There was not enough info for the tentative service activity at the Delaware Humane Society, so the trip has been put on hold.

New Business

License Plate Rims

License plate rims from AgCC that say "UDel College of Ag and Natural Resources" will be on sale at Ag day for $5. If you want one before, contact Amanda at

AgCC elections

AgCC is holding elections for officers soon. If you live on campus, self-nomination forms will be distributed through mail, if you live off campus, they can be found in 104 TNS. Positions are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and three Members at Large (Public Relations, Fundraising, Club Coordinator).

TA Positions

Dan Severson is looking for TA's for next semesters ANSC 111 lab. If you are interested, please email him at

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