Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hey everyone, here are the minutes for the Animal Science club held on February 7, 2007.

Treasurer’s Report

National’s Recap
A group of our members went to Florida over winter break for the National Block and Bridle convention. They listened to guest speakers and toured local agriculture establishments, including a horse farm.

AgrAbility Speaker
We are hoping to get a speaker from AgrAbility for Weds, Feb 28. This would be the meeting after Regionals, so there would not be a lot to discuss. We will present the check from our auction at Ag Carnival to her.

Other Speaker Ideas
There is a new dairy professor at the ag school, so maybe we can ask her to come and speak about her previous research and what she plans to do here.
There is also the possibility to get a wildlife rehabilitator as a speaker, as well as some UPenn vet students who are alumni of UD.

We are hoping to have a car wash on a Saturday in Mid-March. We can either sell something while we wash cars, or just have a donation jar. We would like some ideas of what we can sell, so please send any ideas that you have to Kaitlyn at

Ag Day Prep
Ag Day is our big activity in the spring. It is held every year on the last Saturday of April. While that may seem like a long time from now, it comes up a lot quicker then you would think. One thing that always bogs us down is t-shirt ideas, so your job is to start thinking of t-shirt ideas for the club. They usually consist of a little drawing on the back with a witty saying. Also, we always do a little bit of an education portion, and this year we were thinking of keeping it to one species, probably sheep. So if people could think of what posters we could make about sheep, that would be great.

Regionals will be held Feb 23 – Feb 25th at Penn State. If you are registered, please email me ( Thanks.

See you next week!


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