Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hey everyone, here are the minutes from our meeting on Pi Day!

Treasurer’s Report

Today, Sally from AgrAbility came and talked to us about the AgrAbility organization. She thanked us for donating money every year, and told us that our donations from this year and last year are being used to provide automated blinds for a poultry producer who has had multiple surgeries.
AgrAbility is also starting a program known as AgrAbility ambassadors. If you are interested in educating the public on what AgrAbility does, contact one of the officers for a brochure (if you didn’t get one during the meeting.) Also, internships at AgrAbility are available. If you are interested, please email Sally at

Ag Day
After Sally spoke to us, we briefly broke into committees and discussed what would be needed for posters. Next week we will make our posters, so bring craft supplies or laptop as needed by your committees.
Also, if you are interested in getting an animal science club ag day t-shirt, please email me ( with you name and size. I will be collecting names and sizes until April 4th (the day we decided on the t-shirt design). If you do not tell me by then, you will not get a shirt, we are not ordering extras this year.
Next Week
Next weeks meeting will be held in Townsend hall (probably 049, but watch for an upcoming email). We will work on our posters, and then will move upstairs for the vet student panel.

See you next week.

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