Thursday, September 06, 2007

Animal Science Club Minutes 9/5/07

I. Officers were introduced to the club.
a. President: Danielle Smarsh
b. Vice President: Jen Puttress
c. Treasurer: Dawn Lenihan
d. Secretary: Katie Koenig
e. Historians: Stacy Green and Michelle Lapera

II. Treasurer’s Report:
Inside account: Pending
Outside account: $812.54

III. Dues were discussed. Old members owe $10 and new members owe $15. Dues will be collected beginning next week, and please have them in by the end of September. To be an active member of the club, you must pay dues.

IV. Our Car Wash fundraiser will be held this Saturday at Newark Carwash on Elkton road. We passed the sign up sheet around at this meeting and signed up for 3 shifts: 9-11am, 11am-1pm, and 1-3pm. We also made posters to holdup at the car wash. This event is not mandatory, but to be an active member you must attend at least one fundraising activity. If you do not have a car or means of getting there, we will be carpooling from the Russell parking lot. Dawn will send out and email with details.

V. The Ag Fall Social will be held on Thursday, September 13th from 6-9pm. It is open to all ag students and faculty, and representatives from all ag clubs will be there. It will be in the Rodney Room in Perkins student center, and there will be free pizza and soda!

VI. Newark Community Day is Sunday, September 16th, from 10am-5pm. We began the sign up sheet at today’s meeting, but we still have a lot of slots to fill. It will be available to sign at next week’s meeting, but if you would like to sign up now, please email with a shift time. The shifts are: 9:30-11am, 11am- 12:30pm, 12:30-2pm, 2-3:30pm, and 3:30-5pm. We will face paint as well as run the goldfish bowl toss game. Goldfish coupons from Pet Kare II will be prizes.

VII. We are going to Cowtown Rodeo on Saturday, September 22nd! We will pass around a sign up sheet next week. We will carpool there, so no worries if you don’t have a car. The meeting time for this event is TBA.

VIII. Committee chair people were then nominated and voted upon. The following are the new chair people:
a. Fundraising: Dawn Lenihan
b. Social: Chelsea Berdolt and Matt Mullin
c. Pre-vet: Lorna Dougherty
d. Service: Jessie Bussanich
e. Livestock: Lisa Brody

IX. Committees met and discussed future events and activities. Chair people then reported back to the club:
a. Fundraising: Anticipating the car wash this Saturday, and willing to plan events such as a plant sale and the Amazon gift wrap.
b. Social: Planning events such as a tie-dye activity, dinner socials on Main Street, pumpkin picking, hayrides, a Halloween pot luck dinner, and making Christmas wreaths.
c. Pre-vet: Anticipating the NC State speaker on 9/26, plans to invite speakers from vet schools as well as large/small/equine veterinarians.
d. Service: Plans on helping in humane shelters running food/toy drives, helping at dog parks, and participating in the Annual Walk for Animals.
e. Livestock: Anticipating going to Kilby Cream on 9/19 and inviting various speakers to talk with the club.

X. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 12th, at 5:30pm in 111 Memorial Hall. Hope to see you all there!

Check out the Animal Science Club website at:

Committees to join and run for:

a. Pre-Vet: Informs the club about the field of veterinary medicine. This includes bringing in speakers such as vets and vet-students, and trips to veterinary hospitals.
b. Social: Increasing the social bonds of club members through activities such as group dinners and other fun events. Also responsible for coming up with ice-breaker ideas for each meeting.
c. Livestock: Informing students about the livestock industry through speakers and field trips to various farms in the area.
d. Service: Responsible for organizing and planning all service events and activities encouraging community involvement. The committee has helped raise money for organizations such as AgrAbility and the Humane Society.
e. Fundraising: (Dawn is automatically the chairperson) In charge of raising money for the club. Past fundraising efforts have included car washes and plant sales.

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