Thursday, April 17, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 4/16/08

I. We welcomed guest speaker Susan Garey to talk to us about working in extension and what it takes to be an extension agent. Thank you very much Susan!

II. Lorna gave a recap of our trip to the Philly Zoo this past Sunday. Please remember to pay Dawn your $6 admission if you went.

III. Ag Day!
o Please pay Dawn $10 for your t-shirt if you ordered one. We will be handing out the shirts at next week’s meeting, so please pay by then.
o If you haven’t signed up for a shift, please sign up for one ASAP. All shifts are available, so email me ( with your name, cell phone number, and what shift you would like to work. Remember, you must work one 2-hour Ag Day shift to be an active member!

IV. The rest of the meeting was spent making posters for Ag Day. Final touches can be made next meeting.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 23rd.
It will be held at 6:00pm in 111 Memorial Hall.

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