Thursday, December 04, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 12/3/08

I. Amazon Gift Wrap fundraiser
o The December 15th date is full, thanks for signing up!
o We still need people to sign up for December 17th from 2-6pm to wrap presents for If you are interested, please email Dawn ( and let her know.

II. Livestock Trip
o We are visiting Dr. Riddle’s equine farm and veterinary practice this Saturday, December 6th.
o We are meeting in Lot 19 to leave no later than 10:00am.

III. Holiday Dinner at Dr. Griffiths’s house
o We are having a holiday dinner this Sunday, December 7th at Dr. Griffiths’s house.
o Please meet in Lot 19 no later than 3:30pm to carpool.
o If you’d like to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a gift worth $5.

IV. Longwood Gardens
o We are going on our annual trip to Longwood Gardens next Wednesday, December 10th instead of a meeting.
o Please meet in Lot 19 no later than 5:30pm to carpool.
o If you would like to sign up over email, please email me (kkoenig@udel.ed) with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?).
o The club will be paying members’ admissions. If you have not yet paid dues you will need to pay the $3 admission. Friends are welcome to join us, but they must pay their own fare as well.

o NESA will be held on the weekend of February 27th.
o Please email me ( if you are interested in attending, and you will get emails with more information over winter session.

VI. Announcements
o AgCC Study Break: Tuesday, December 16th from 7-9pm in the Townsend Commons.
o AZ Mitten Tree: Please donate new or gently used winter-wear (hats, mittens, gloves, scarves, etc) to the Mitten Tree in the Townsend Commons. All donations will be given to the Salvation Army. It will be in the Commons unril December 12th.
o AZ Grotto’s Fundraiser: Head over to Grotto’s on Wednesday, December 10th between 4-9pm and purchase some food or drink to support AZ’s fundraising effort for the Salvation Army. In order to donate some of your bill to AZ, you must present a coupon to your server (you can print one out online from their Facebook group or you can ask members for coupons if you plan on going).

VII. Finally, we welcomed Jeffery Bates, a guest speaker from St. Georges University of Veterinary Medicine (in Grenada). If you would like his contact information, please email Lorna (

Monday, November 17, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 11/12/08

I. We welcomed Robert Dimeo to speak with us about admissions at University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.

II. If you ordered a sweatshirt and have not paid for it, please get the money in as soon as possible to Dawn. They are $15 and can be paid for in cash or a check to “Animal Science Club”.

III. Steve Cook’s Farm
o This Sunday, 11/16
o We are helping with pig vaccines, building projects, and other various things
o Please meet at Lot 19 no later than 8:30am to carpool

IV. At our meeting on December 3rd, we are welcoming a guest speaker from St. Georges University veterinary school in Grenada to speak with us.

V. Amazon Gift Wrap
o The signups for the gift wrap were available to sign.
o The dates are 12/15 and 12/17.
o If you can help out on those dates, please email Dawn ( to sign up.

VI. Livestock Trip
o Signups for the trip to Maryland to speak with Dr. Riddle, an equine veterinarian, and see his facility began this week.
o It is on Saturday, December 6th.
o We will meet in Lot 19 at 10am to carpool.
o If you would still like to sign up, please email me ( with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?).

VII. Holiday Dinner at Dr. Griffiths’s house
o Sunday, December 7th.
o We will meet in Lot 19 at 3:30pm to carpool.
o We began signups this week, and if you would like to sign up over email, please email me ( with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?).

VIII. Longwood Gardens
o We are visiting Longwood Gardens on the last day of class, December 10th.
o Please meet in Lot 19 no later than 5:30pm to carpool.
o The club is paying for members that have paid their dues; otherwise admission is about $3.
o We began signups this week, and if you would like to sign up over email, please email me ( with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?).

o It will be held the weekend of February 27th at UConn.
o A non-binding interest signup began this week and will be available later.

X. Announcements
o AgCC Game Night is Thursday, November 20th from 7-9pm in the Townsend Commons.

XI. There will be no meeting the week of Thanksgiving on Wednesday, November 26th.

Instead of a meeting next week, we are meeting at Ally and Amanda’s house (39 Center Street) for a potluck dinner!
Please meet there at 5:30pm and bring something tasty!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 11/5/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:
o $1384.29 (Not including the money from our Pumpkin Sale)
II. Sweatshirts
We began collecting money for our club sweatshirts this meeting. Remember, they are $15 each and you can pay with cash or a check to “Animal Science Club”. Please get your money in as soon as possible so we can order them.

III. Recaps:
o Milburn Orchards: We went apple picking, ate delicious apple cider doughnuts with apple cider, and shopped around the market. If you have any pictures please send them to Ally ( or Michelle (mlapera@udel.ed).
o Pumpkin Sale: Our sale was a huge success! We made $578 in total, great work everyone! Also, we will be passing around a thank you card at our next meeting for Scott Ramsey, who donated all of the pumpkins and other goods for free!
o Halloween Potluck: We ate good food, watched awesome movies, and had a great time at 54 New London, whether you were in costume or not. If you have any pictures please send them to Ally ( or Michelle (mlapera@udel.ed).

IV. Steve Cook’s farm
o We are going to Steve Cook’s farm to volunteer our time and hard work on Sunday, November 16th.
o We will be helping with pig vaccines, building projects, and other work. We might also be able to get some practice for livestock judging.
o The meeting time will be announced later, but will be in Lot 19 Sunday morning.
o Signups began circulating, and will be available at next week’s meeting. If you would like to sign up via email, please email me ( with your name, cell #, and if you can drive (how many?).

V. Amazon Gift Wrap
o Dawn reserved two dates for us to help with the gift wrap as a fundraising opportunity. This year we will get $1 per present wrapped.
o The dates are Monday 12/15 and Wednesday 12/17. It will be from 2-6pm.
o Signups started, and will be available next meeting. If you would like to sign up via email, please email Dawn ( with your name, what day(s) you would like to work, and if you can drive (how many?).

VI. Livestock Trip
o We will be visiting an equine veterinarian in Maryland, Dr. Riddle, to learn about his practice and techniques on Saturday, December 6th.
o We will probably leave Lot 19 around 11am, but a definite time will be announced later.
o Signups will be available next week.

VII. Longwood Gardens
o We are going on our annual trip to Longwood Gardens, to see the “magical” botanical gardens decorated for the holidays.
o We are going on the last day of classes, December 10th at 5:30pm instead of our normal meeting. Signups will be started on a later date, and we will carpool there.

VIII. NESA Registration
o NESA will be held on February 27-28th, 2009 at UConn.
o We participate in livestock judging, quizbowl, and presentations.
o We are starting interest signups next week because we need to register early since we won’t be together in the winter. Please check the dates and sign up if you can make it.

IX. Other Announcements:
o AgCC is holding a game night on Thursday, November 20th. Mark it off on your calendars and more info to come!

X. Committee meetings were held. Future ideas included the following:
o Service: helping with a therapeutic riding center in the spring
o Livestock: outdoorsy activities
o Pre-vet: New Bolton Center tour; doctors from Windcrest to come speak
o Social: Potluck at Ally and Amanda’s house on Center Street on November 19th instead of a meeting; Holiday party and secret Santa at the Dr. Griffiths’ house (more info to come); picnic on the green in the spring; zoo/aquarium trips in the spring
o Fundraising: Amazon giftwrap soon; carwash in the spring; Main Street restaurant fundraiser

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 12th.
It will be at 5:30pm in 123 Memorial Hall.
Remember, a speaker from UPenn vet school will be talking with us, so please come prepared with any questions you have to ask!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 10/15/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:
o account: $1384.29
*Dues reminder: Please pay Dawn dues as soon as possible. They are $15 for new members and $10 for returning members. You can pay with cash or a check made out to “Animal Science Club”.
o Our fundraiser gift wrapping for will be scheduled for late November or early December.

II. Milburn Orchards
o We are going this Sunday, October 19th.
o Please meet in Lot 19 at 11:15am to carpool.
o It will be $8 per person to pick all the apples you want, but remember to bring some extra money if you would like to purchase other fun things and snacks.
o The signup is still open until this Saturday, so if you would like to sign up please email me ( your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?)

III. Sweatshirts
o We are ordering Animal Science Club hoodies that are brown with sky blue writing. There will be our club name on the front surrounded by farm animals with various paw prints on the back.
o They will be $15 each.
o The order form is going to be submitted after next Wednesday’s meeting at California Tortilla, so that is your last chance to sign up for one.
o If you would like to sign up via email, please email me ( with your name and size.

IV. Steve Cook’s farm
o We are going as a club to Steve Cook’s farm on Sunday, November 16th.
o It will be during the morning until after lunch, which will be served to us.
o We will be helping him out with various farm work including pig vaccinations and a building project.
o Sign ups will begin at an upcoming meeting.

V. Halloween Potluck Dinner
o It will be held Wednesday, October 29th at 5:30pm instead of a regular meeting.
o It is hosted by Lorna and Jessie at their house, 54 New London Road.
o A signup was passed around this meeting for contributions of food, snacks, drinks, and other necessary items. It will be available next week as well.
o Don't forget, you are VERY highly encouraged to dress up!

VI. Pumpkin Sale!
o Our pumpkin sale will be on Monday, October 27th on the Trabant patio.
o A signup sheet was passed around this meeting for shifts, and will be available next week. If you would like to sign up via email, please email Dawn ( and let her know your name and times you are available.
o We made posters this week to advertise at our sale.

VII. Announcements
o AgCC Midterm Study Break: October 21st at 7pm in the Townsend Commons. Take a break from studying to hang out with Ag students over some free food and drinks while watching a movie!
o Therapeutic Riding Center: Holly got information on a center not too far from here that accepts help with lessons. They need volunteers Wednesdays through Fridays, at least five people at a time. Also, they are having a horse show November 1st at which they could use some extra help. Please email Holly ( for more information or if you would like to sign up.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 22nd.
Remember, it will be held at CALIFORNIA TORTILLA on Main Street!
Please meet in the restaurant at 5:30pm, see you there!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 10/8/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:
o account: $1384.29
*Dues reminder: Please pay Dawn dues as soon as possible. They are $15 for new members and $10 for returning members. You can pay with cash or a check made out to “Animal Science Club”.

II. The Ag Carnival was recapped. It was a lot of fun competing against the rest of the Ag School, including the grad student team and especially the professor team! If you have any pictures from the event, please email them to one of our historians ( or or bring them into next week’s meeting on a CD or flash drive. The AgrAbility Auction was a huge success, and we raised $940 for the cause! Great job everyone!

III. Sweatshirts
o We voted on a design for the Animal Science Club sweatshirts. The front will be our club name surrounded by various farm animals, while the back will have animal tracks crossing over it.
o The colors the club voted on were: brown sweatshirt with sky blue printing
o Each unisex hooded sweatshirt will be $15.
o Sign ups were started this week, and will be available next week as well. If you would like, you can sign up for one via email by sending your name and sweatshirt size.

IV. Milburn Orchards trip
o We are going to Milburn Orchards on Sunday, October 19th for apple picking!
o We will carpool from Lot 19 at 11:15am that morning.
o It will be $8 to pick all the apples you want.

V. Pumpkin Sale
o We are holding a pumpkin sale on Monday, October 27th.
o It will be stationed on the Trabant Patio
o Sign ups for shifts (anytime is good, we know you have classes) will start next week.
o Please tell everyone about our sale… Advertisement is key!

VI. Committee meeting ideas:
o Service: Tentative Steve Cook farm help trip on November 15th; help at a therapeutic riding center; hold a local shelter drive for towels/blankets/toys; invite a speaker from AgrAbility to come talk to us.
o Social: Milburn Orchards trip October 19th; meeting held at California Tortilla on October 22nd; tentative potluck dinner at Ally’s house in November.
o Fundraising: Pumpkin sale on October 27th; tentative gift wrap dates (2) in late November, early December.
o Livestock: Tentative trips to: a swine farm, Herr’s factory, New Bolton, UD Dairy unit; invite Dr. Dyer and/or Scott to talk to us.
o Pre-vet: Vet school panel November 12th; invite various veterinarian speakers to talk to us; Philly Zoo/Baltimore Aquarium in the spring

VII. Announcements
o AgCC is hosting a fundraiser at Gotto’s Pizza after our meeting next week on Wednesday, October 15th. Come to club hungry so we can journey over together afterwards for some food to support AgCC!

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 15th.
It will be at 5:30pm in 123 Memorial Hall.
See you there!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 10/1/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:
o $1384.29

*Dues reminder: Please pay Dawn dues as soon as possible. They are $15 for new members and $10 for returning members. You can pay with cash or a check made out to “Animal Science Club”.

II. Rob recapped our trip to Kilby Cream last week. We had a great time seeing the animals, getting lost in a corn maze, eating delicious ice cream, and visiting the milking parlor. We are planning on getting a thank you card for their kindness (they opened on a Wednesday night just for us!) and will bring it to club to sign.

III. Ag Carnival
o This Saturday, October 4th from 10am–2pm at Webb Farm.
o We have 3 teams participating, which are made already. But, if you would still like to join it is not too late. Please email me at
o Those that are going, please meet in Lot 19 at 9:15am to carpool. If you have a car, please help us out.
o Our events we are hosting: Day in the Life of a Farmer, Animal Noises, Dizzy Izzy
o AgrAbility Auction: Holly announced that we have a few gift baskets, gift certificates, and other things to auction off.

IV. Pumpkin Sale
Our Pumpkin sale is scheduled for the Monday before Halloween. Though AGR wanted to combine sales, the club took a vote and opted to stay separate. More details about the pumpkin sale at a later meeting.

V. Sweatshirt Ideas
While we figure out a deal on the prices, please sketch any design ideas you have and bring them to the next meeting. We will vote on a design and begin signing up for them.

VI. Milburn Orchards
Kishana announced that we have a trip to Milburn Orchards for apple picking planned for Sunday, October 19th. It will be $8 per person to pick apples, and we are going to begin signups next week.

VII. Announcement:
The following is a portion of an email we received:
“I am a kindergarten teacher at Bank of America Child Development Center and we are having a fall festival on Tuesday October 28 from 9–12. We are looking for Ag Ambassadors that could come out that could tell out preschool and kindergarten children about the farm and agriculture. We are open to any ideas because we are trying to go in a different direction for out fall family event. My classroom has been to the farm and loved being with the students. Any help would be appreciated.”
Please email Lorna at if you are interested in helping out.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 8th.
It will be held in 123 Memorial Hall at 5:30pm and there will be committee meetings.
See you there!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 9/17/08

I. Community Day
Thank you to everyone who participated and helped out at our tent! We raised $39.07 for the Delaware Humane Society, but the club voted to increase our donation to a flat $50. We are making up the difference using the club’s account money. Pat Carol, who works with the DE Humane Society, is our club’s founding father, and could be a potential speaker, personally came to our tent and thanked us for our donation.

II. Dues
Every year, members pay one fee to the Animal Science Club. These can be turned into our treasurer, Dawn, as soon as possible. You must pay dues to be an active member of the club, which lets you participate in NESA, attend the end of the year banquet, vote in club elections, and other various things.
o New members – $15
o Returning members – $10
o This can be paid in cash or a check made out to “Animal Science Club”

III. Cowtown Rodeo!
We are going to Cowtown Rodeo this Saturday, September 20th. We will meet at 5:00pm in Lot 19 to carpool there. Please try to make it on time so we can get there early enough to buy our group tickets and see the opening celebration. It will be $10 to get in because we have more than 25 people going.
The signup will be available until this Friday night. If you would still like to sign up, please email me at with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?). Also, it is very important to let me know if you signed up and no longer can make it.

IV. Kilby Cream
Instead of a meeting next Wednesday, September 24th, we are taking a field trip to Kilby Cream for a tour of their dairy farm and ice cream parlor. We will meet in Lot 19 to carpool at 5:15pm. We will roughly get back around 7:30pm.
We passed out the signup sheet this week, but it is still available to sign via email. If you would like to go, please email me at with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?).

V. Ag Carnival
Ag Carnival will be held on Saturday, October 4th from 10am – 2pm. Teams of 6 to 10 people will be randomly made, and we will compete in all sorts of fun games against other Ag clubs and organizations! For each team we need to contribute an event, and ours are as follows: Day in the Life of a Farmer, Animal Noises (with blindfolds), and Dizzy Izzy. We will also host the AgrAbility Auction, in which we need items to auction off. The social committee is currently working on formulating a letter to ask businesses to donate to the cause. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the social chair, Holly Powers (

The Agricultural College Counsel meets every other Tuesdays (odd numbered days) to discuss the social goings-on of the Ag School. They host many events including Ag Carnival. Study Breaks, and Socials. The Animal Science Club would like to send 2 – 3 representatives each meeting and get our voices heard! This is a fantastic leadership opportunity, and will earn AgCC points for our club (so we can have a shot at winning a prize!). If you are interested in being a representative for one or more meetings, please email Lorna at and let her know.

VII. Committee Elections
Thanks for everyone who ran for committee chairs! Here are this year’s chairs:
Fundraising: Dawn Lenihan
Social: Kishana Williamson
Livestock: Nicole Aizaga
Pre-vet: Carrie Kozar
Service: Holly Powers

VIII. Committee meeting ideas:
o Pre-vet: Vet school panel, Philly Zoo trip, UPenn vet school tour, Vet Fair in DC, Baltimore aquarium, behind the scenes at the racetrack
o Service: Helping AgrAbility, the cat shelter, and DE Humane Society; working at a therapeutic horse riding center, host a blanket/toy drive for needy animals, host a competition for Pennies of Puppies and Dollar for Dogs
o Social: Game night, apple picking, dinners, sports, movie night
o Livestock: Large animal vet speaker (Dr. Dyer?), county fairs, teaming up with the local 4H, UD dairy farm tour
o Fundraising: Pumpkin sale the Monday before Halloween (Oct. 27th) on the Trabant patio. Please email advertising ideas to Dawn (

IX. Other Announcements
o The first PROUD (Puppy Raisers of UD) meeting will be held this Sunday, September 21st at 7pm in Smith 220.
o Alpha Zeta, the professional coed Ag fraternity is having an open meeting/social at TCBY on Main Street this Tuesday, September 23rd at 7:30pm.

Thank you all for staying so long this week!
Our next meeting will be in two weeks, on Wednesday, October 1st.
It will be at 5:30pm in 123 Memorial Hall.
Next week we will be going to Kilby Cream.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 9/10/08

I. Dues
Every year, members pay one fee to the Animal Science Club. These can be turned into our treasurer, Dawn, starting next week. You must pay dues to be an active member of the club, which lets you participate in NESA, attend the end of the year banquet, vote in club elections, and other various things.
o New members – $15
o Returning members – $10
o This can be paid in cash or a check made out to “Animal Science Club”

II. Community Day
Community Day is this Sunday, September 14th from 10:00am–5:00pm. We will have a table set up that will be run in 1.5 hour shifts from 9:30am–5:30pm. Our table will be located on the green north of Memorial Hall in front of DuPont Hall. There will be facepainting, a fish toss game, and balloon animals (1–2pm). All proceeds made at our table will be donated to the Delaware Humane Society.
We signed up for shifts at this meeting. If you signed up, expect a reminder email in the next day or so.

III. Cowtown Rodeo!
We are going to Cowtown Rodeo Saturday, September 20th. We will meet at 5:00pm in Lot 19 to carpool there. It will be $10 to get in if 25+ people sign up, but we don’t think that will be a problem.
Signups started this past meeting and will be available to sign next week. If you would like to sign up before then, please email me at with your name, cell phone number, and if you can drive (how many?).

IV. Committee Chair positions available!
Committees were explained during the meeting (please see other attachments for descriptions). Each committee (excluding Fundraising) needs a chairperson. We will nominate members, listen to speeches, and vote next week. If you plan on running, please be prepared to get up and give a short speech about yourself and why you think you are a good candidate for the position. If you cannot be here, please send me your name and position you are running for via email ( You can either send me your speech to read to the club or give it to someone who will be there and is willing to read it on your behalf.

V. Fundraising Idea: Pumpkin Sale!
On the week of Halloween, we are holding a pumpkin sale on the Trabant patio. We can purchase each good-sized pumpkin from a farm for about $5. On a later date, we can agree on prices, shifts, and advertisement as a club, so start brainstorming!

**Our next meeting will be next Wednesday, September 17th**
**Meet in 123 Memorial Hall at 5:30pm. See you there!**

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 9/3/08

I. Introduction of the Officers
President: Lorna Dougherty
Vice President: Jessie Bussanich
Treasurer: Dawn Lenihan
Secretary: Katie Koenig
Historians: Michelle Lapera and Ally Fetsko

II. List of September and October events planned:
o September 14th : Newark Community Day
 On the campus green from 10am-5pm
 Start the sign up for shifts next week – shifts will be 1.5 hours from 9:30am-5:30pm
 There will be face painting, a balloon hour (1-2pm), and a fish toss game to win fish coupons at our table
o September 20th : Cowtown Rodeo!
 Starts at 6pm, so we will meet around 5pm to carpool there
 Signups will start next week and extend to the meeting after
 Cost will be $10 each if 25+ people go
o September 24th : Kilby Cream trip
 It will be instead of a meeting – Ice cream parlor and farm tour
o September 27th : Family weekend event at Webb Farm 2-4pm
o October 4th : Ag Carnival!

III. General Announcements:
There will be an Ag Fall Social on September 11th from 6-8pm. It will be held in the Trabant Multipurpose room B. Come on out for some free pizza and soda to meet people and club in the Ag School!

IV. Future events we are going to plan (throughout the year):
o Animal Science Club sweatshirts
o NESA (Regional weekend competition in Rhode Island)
o Zoo/Aquarium trips
o Ag Day
o Renting a house for a weekend

V. Then we had a fun game involving ice cream and lots of toppings 

Check out our website at:
**Our next meeting will be Wed, Sept 10th in 123 Memorial at 5:30pm**
See you there!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 5/14/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. Vince recapped our fundraiser at Grotto’s Pizza. According to Grotto’s we averaged making about $150-200 for our club. Good job everyone!

III. Harrington Raceway
o Sunday, May 18th
o Meet in Lot 19 at 1pm
o If you are signed up to go, you should get an email with details such as directions and a rough schedule of events
o Costs are still up in the air due to miscommunication. Dinner was going to be around $12, but it might be covered. Admission has also not been determined, so keep a lookout for an email letting you know these details.

IV. Banquet!
o Wednesday, May 21st (instead of a meeting)
o Meet at Klondike Kate’s on Main Street (upstairs room)
o Banquet starts at 6pm
o If you have not already paid Dawn the $15, please bring it to the banquet or get it to her as soon as possible.
o The dress is semi-formal (girls – dresses/skirts/sundresses/nice pants. guys – khakis/nice pants/nice shirt)

V. Elections were held to fill positions of next year’s executive board. The following are the new officers for the 2008-2009 school year:
o President: Lorna Dougherty
o Vice President: Jessie Bussanich
o Treasurer: Dawn Lenihan
o Secretary: Katie Koenig
o Historians: Ally Fetsko and Michelle Lapara

VI. General Announcements:
o Advisor Appreciation Luncheon is on Thursday, May 22 at 11:30am.

Our next meeting will be the End of the Year Banquet!
See everyone there! 

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 5/7/08

Today we had a wonderful meeting out on the North Green in the amazing weather!

I. Treasurer’s Report:
Side note: These numbers were taken from last week’s minutes as we did not have an update this week.

II. Nicole recapped our club’s participation at Relay for Life this past weekend. It was really fun and all proceeds went to a great cause – The American Cancer Society. Our club raised a huge $1,182.50 and UD raised over $125,000! Great job everyone!!

III. Grotto’s Fundraiser
o Tomorrow, Thursday May 8th from 4-9pm!
o Hand out flyers to everyone you know to get 20% of their bill forwarded to the Animal Science Club!

IV. Harrington Raceway Trip
o Join us on a trip to Harrington Raceway with Susan Garey, who will bring us on a behind the scenes tour. Also, a buffet style dinner will be included in the cost.
o It is on Sunday, May 18th
o We are leaving at 1pm from Lot 19 (If you can drive, please contact me!)
o The cost has yet to be determined, but you will know ASAP!
o If you would like to sign up, please email me ( with your name, cell number, and if you can drive.

V. Banquet
o Our end of the year banquet will be held at Klondike Kate’s on Main Street
o It is on Wednesday, May 21st at 6pm
o The cost will be $15. You can pay Dawn at the next meeting.
o The dress is semi-formal (girls – dresses/skirts/sundresses/nice pants and guys – khakis/nice shirt)
o Awards will be voted upon and presented at the banquet. Think about who you would like to vote on for the following: Outstanding Freshman, Outstanding Sophomore, Outstanding Junior, Outstanding Senior, Most Enthusiastic, Best Rookie, and Hardest Worker at Ag Day

VI. General Announcements
o Advisor Appreciation Luncheon
 May 22nd at 11:30am in the Townsend Commons
 Advisor nominations will be accepted until May 15th
o AgCC officer positions are available for next year. Ask next meeting for an application if you are interested.
o Senior Picnic
 May 16th from 2:30-5pm at Webb Farm
 Food, ice cream, and t-shirts for seniors and grad students!

VII. Nominations
This week, the club nominated members to fill the positions on the 2008-2009 Executive Board. We will vote on them at next week’s meeting. If you are running, please be prepared to stand up front and tell a little about yourself and why you think you would be a good candidate to fill the position.

Our next (and last!) meeting of the semester will be on Wednesday, May 14th.
It will be at 6pm in 111 Memorial.
Also, if you would like to learn how to make balloon animals courtesy of Dan, plan to stay after the meeting 

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 4/30/08

I. We welcomed Dr. Dallatore, a veterinarian from Windcrest Animal Clinic to speak with us about his career as a general practice veterinarian. He shared a typical day at the clinic with us as well as talked about vet school.

II. Treasurer’s Report:

Side note: Our outside account does not contain the money made at Ag Day yet.

III. Ag Day was recapped. We made $496 and our exhibit won first place overall! Everyone did a fantastic job and was really enthusiastic, making this year one of the best. Thanks to everyone who helped out, it was greatly appreciated!

IV. Committee meetings
o Fundraising:
 Grotto’s: Thursday, May 8th, 4-9pm. Hand out the flyers starting the beginning of that week to everyone you know!
o Service:
 Relay for Life: Saturday, May 3rd. Please donate on behalf of the club!
 Webb Farm cleanup pending
o Pre-vet:
 Done for the semester. Great job!
o Livestock:
 Harrington Raceway: Sunday, May 18th, 1pm. Susan Garey has offered us a behind-the-scenes tour before its time to watch the races!
o Social:
 ANFS Movie Night: Tomorrow, Thursday, May 1st, 7pm at the Townsend Commons. Episodes of Good Eats and Unwrapped will be features and refreshments will be served!
 Balloon animals tutorial with Dan: Wednesday, May 14th after club
 Banquet: Wednesday, May 21st, 6pm at Klondike Kate’s on Main Street

V. Sign ups!
o Harrington Raceway: please sign up by May 14th to be included in the trip. The cost is not known yet, but you will be notified soon. If you sign up over email, please include your name, email, cell phone number, and if you can drive/how many. You can still sign up at next week’s meeting.
o Banquet: sign ups for the banquet will be open for the next two weeks. The cost will be partially covered by club funds, and the rest of the cost will be announced. If signing up over email, please include your name and email. You can still sign up at next week’s meeting.

VI. Elections
Nominations for elections will be collected next week. If you can’t be there, email me ( nominating yourself or someone else for a position. Elections will be held at the May 14th meeting. If you are running for a position, please be prepared to give a little one minute speech about yourself. Remember, if you are running for President, you must have been a chairperson or officer prior.

VII. General Announcements
o AgCC Advisor Appreciation Luncheon: Thursday, May 22nd at 11:30am. Pick up a form to nominate your club or academic advisor for an award!
o AgCC is currently looking for people to run as officers. If you are interested, grab an application to fill out.
o The 1st Annual Senior Picnic is going to be held at Webb Farm on May 16th from 2:30-5pm. All seniors and grad students are welcome to attend this event sponsored by this semester’s production classes!
o The link to donate to Relay for Life is:
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, May 7th.
It will be at 6:00pm in 111 Memorial Hall.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 4/23/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:
Side note: If you haven’t paid Dawn for the Phill Zoo, please pay her $6. Also, if you ordered a shirt and haven’t paid her, you owe $10 before you can receive it.

II. Lisa recapped our guest speaker from last week, Susan Garey. We learned all about working in extension, being an extension agent, and the groups that she works with, such as 4-H.

III. Upcoming events!
o UPenn Vet Student Panel: Monday, April 28th, 7:30pm, 132 Townsend
o Guest Speaker (Exotic vet): Wenesday, April 30th at our meeting
o ANSC/FOSC movie night: Thursday, May 1st, 7:00pm, TNS Commons
o Grotto’s Fundraiser: Thursday, May 8th – Cut coupon papers into thirds and hand them out that week!

IV. Ag Day!
o We split into out shifts and discussed jobs during Ag Day
o Posters are all finished!
o T-shirts were distributed to those who have paid Dawn

V. Other announcements
o Relay for Life: you can still join if you would like, this year sounds like the best Relay yet, and it’s going to be a lot of fun! If you can’t join the team, you can always donate to the club to help reach our goals while donating to an amazing cause, The American Cancer Society. To donate or join online, here is the link to our club’s page: After the Wednesday, May 4th club meeting, Dan will hold a how-to session on making balloon animals. If you want to learn and have some fun, mark the date!

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 30th.
It will be held at 6:00pm in 111 Memorial Hall.
Remember, there will be a guest speaker as well as committee meetings where we are discussing the rest of the semester.

See you at Ag Day!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 4/16/08

I. We welcomed guest speaker Susan Garey to talk to us about working in extension and what it takes to be an extension agent. Thank you very much Susan!

II. Lorna gave a recap of our trip to the Philly Zoo this past Sunday. Please remember to pay Dawn your $6 admission if you went.

III. Ag Day!
o Please pay Dawn $10 for your t-shirt if you ordered one. We will be handing out the shirts at next week’s meeting, so please pay by then.
o If you haven’t signed up for a shift, please sign up for one ASAP. All shifts are available, so email me ( with your name, cell phone number, and what shift you would like to work. Remember, you must work one 2-hour Ag Day shift to be an active member!

IV. The rest of the meeting was spent making posters for Ag Day. Final touches can be made next meeting.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 23rd.
It will be held at 6:00pm in 111 Memorial Hall.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 4/9/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:
Side note: If you are a new member and would like to participate in voting and the banquet, you must pay Dawn dues. It is $15 and can be payable in cash or check.

II. Philly Zoo trip: Sunday, April 13th
o We will be meeting in Lot 19 at 9:30am sharp, and the zoo is about an hour’s drive away.
o The cost will be less than $10. Your ticket will include admission, a primate training demonstration, and a “meet the trainer” talk.
o Please bring your cameras to take fun pictures for our historians to put in the scrapbook!

III. Ag Day!
o The t-shirts have been ordered and will be $10. Please give Dawn money if you ordered one and she will check you off.
o The shirts will be distributed the Wednesday before Ag Day.
o Sign ups are now completely open! We have filled our quota for each shift, so more spots are open. Email me at with your name, email, cell phone number, and what shift you would like to sign up for.

IV. Committee Meetings
o Social:
 Movie Night on May 1st with FOSC Club
 Sunday picnic TBA
 Banquet on May 21st at Kate’s at 6pm
o Service:
 Relay for Life on May 3rd (You can sign up until this Friday)
 If you are signed up, you must still sign up online at the website went out in Jessie’s email!
 If you are not participating, donations can still be made to the American Cancer Society as well as help the club reach our goal!
o Fundraising:
 Grotto’s fundraiser on May 8th, where 20% of each bill goes to our club
o Pre-Vet:
 UPenn vet panel on April 28th at 7:30pm
 Exotic Vet guest speaker on April 30th
o Livestock:
 Guest speaker Susan Garey will speak next meeting on April 16th
 Harrington Racetrack trip on May 18th, time TB

V. Ag Day Posters!
Each committee came up with poster ideas as well as made lists of the supplies needed to make them. We will be making the posters next week after our speaker!
o Social: Dairy Cattle Fun Facts
o Service: Alumni Sign-In Board
o Fundraising: How to Milk a Cow and nameplates for the animals on display
o Pre-Vet: Chicken Breeds and Lifecycle of a Chicken
o Livestock: Chicken/Chick Matching

VI. Other Announcements
o Dan Severson let us know that spots are still open to be a TA in the ANSC111 lab, so if you are interested, email him at
o Dr. Griffiths announced that the UD Equestrian Team has a horseshow this Sunday, April 13th at Delaware Valley College. It will be going on all day, so if you have free time, go our and support them!

Our next meeting will be next week on Wednesday, April 16th.
It is in 111 Memorial Hall at 6pm.
Remember, there will be a guest speaker and then we are making posters after!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/26/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. Philly Zoo trip
o The date will be either on April 13th or 20th.
o When we find out the date, you will get an email. If we plan on going the 13th, you will need to sign up over email.

III. Relay for Life
o Jessie will be emailing those who have signed up to participate in Relay for Life with all the details you need.

IV. Ag Day!
o Our t-shirt design is finally done and the final “Top 10” list was written on the board.
o If you would like a shirt and haven’t signed up for one, pleas email me ( with your name and shirt size. You must let me know by Sunday, April 6th to be able to get one.
o Shift sign ups are still going on. We still have a few more spots left during the last shift, and one spot left on the first shift. Once these shifts are filled, we can open up a few more time slots to include those who haven’t signed up yet.
o We currently have 3 useable posters: the clock, Sheep Fun Facts, and Sheep Shearing.
o Each committee came up with a poster idea or two:
 Livestock: Chicken/chick matching
 Fundraising: How to Milk a Cow, and Animal IDs
 Social: Dairy Cow Fun Facts
 Pre-Vet: Life Cycle of a Chicken
 Service: Alumni board

V. Our advisor, Dan Severson, has invited members of the Animal Science Club to be TA’s for his ANSC111 lab next fall semester. Email him at if you are interested!

VI. Harrington Raceway trip
o We are going Sunday, May 18th.
o Times and details TBA

That’s all for now, have a great spring break and keep an eye out for a reminder email for our next meeting!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/19/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. We recapped helping out on Steve Cook’s farm this past Sunday.

III. Philly Zoo trip
o We will be visiting the Philly Zoo either on April 13th or 20th.
o The club will ultimately vote on the date.
o It will be $200 for a group, so if we get at least 20 people together it will only be $10 each.
o Trip will include some behind-the-scenes tours and talks.
o Stay posted for more details.

IV. Guest Speaker: Exotic Animal Veterinarian
o Dr. Dallatore is joining us on April 30th (regular meeting time) to give a lecture on his career as a veterinarian specializing in exotics.

V. Relay for Life
o Keep an eye out for an email from Jessie about registering for Relay for Life if you have signed up for it.

VI. Harrigton Raceway trip
o The club has voted the date of May 18th.
o We will go watch the races as well as get some behind-the-scenes action.
o More details TBA.

VII. Ag Day!
o Our T-shirts will be Kelly green with a top 10 list. Please email Jen ( to let her know your suggestions by this Friday!
o We passed a sign-up sheet around to order shirts. If you would like to order one, please email me (kkoenig@udel.ed) with your name and size. They will be around $10 each. The sign-up sheet will also be available next week at the meeting.
o We also passed around a sheet to sign up for shifts at Ag Day as well. The shifts are as follows: 8-10am, 10-12pm, 12-2pm, and 2-4:30pm. You must sign up for one of these to be an active member. Also, there are a couple spots left on Friday around 2pm to help set up. Please note that if you do this shift, you still need to do one on Saturday. The shift sign up will be available at our meeting next week.
o We will be working on Ag Day posters at the next meeting. Each committee will pick ones to work on so we can get them all done before break.

VIII. Constitution
o Since editing our constitution using last week’s suggestions, the club voted and it has passed.
o The new constitution will be emailed to everyone in the coming week.

IX. AgCC Game Night: Thursday, March 20th (tomorrow!!)
o From 7:00-8:30pm in the Townsend Commons
o There will be free snacks and drinks
o Board games will be provided
o Bring your own board games if you'd like, and come out with your friends for a fun break!

X. AgCC Study Break: Tuesday, March 25th
o From 7:00-8:30pm in the Townsend Commons
o There will be free pizza, coffee, donuts, snacks, and soda
o Come down and take a break from midterm studying with some Ag friends!

**Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 26th at 6:00pm in 111 Memorial Hall**

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 3/12/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. Nicole gave us all an entertaining recap of our social meeting at California Tortilla.

III. Steve Cook farm help
o This Sunday, March 16th
o We will meet at Lot 19 ready to leave by 8:30am
o Lunch will be provided 
o We will return back to campus between 1-2pm

IV. Ag Day! (Saturday, April 26th from 10am-4pm)
o T-shirts
 As voted upon, the color this year will be Kelly Green
 We will vote on the suggestions collected last week for the “Top 10 Reasons you Love Animal Science”. Please email Jen ( with your top 5 votes so we can have them ready for next meeting.
 We will begin the signups for the t-shirts at next week’s meeting, and keep in mind they will cost about $10 each.
o Shifts
 The shifts will be as follows: 8:30-10:00am, 10:00-12:00pm, 12:00-2:00pm, and 2:00-4:30pm.
 Also, we need at least 5 people to help out on the Friday before to help set up Ag Day. This will not count as a shift for the club though.
 Sign ups will start at next week’s meeting, so think about what shift will work with your schedule.
o Facepainting
 Lisa has volunteered to make a new poster with easy facepainting options. Thanks!
 We are currently asking for extra tables and chairs so we can paint more faces at one time
o Animals
 Dairy cow, dairy calf, chickens, ewes, and lambs
 Chicks and various eggs
 We will not have goats this year
 Demonstrations in sheep shearing, hoof trimming, and possibly milking

V. Club Constitution
As a club, the revisions on the old constitution were discussed and corrected. Next week we will be voting on the changes to solidify a new constitution for the club. A revised constitution will be sent out to all members within the next few days to look over. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please email Jen (

VI. AgCC Game Night: Thursday, March 20th
o From 7:00-8:30pm in the Townsend Commons
o There will be free snacks and drinks
o Board games will be provided
o Bring your own board games if you'd like, and come out with your friends for a fun break!

VII. We held committee meetings and each chairperson reported back to the club:
o Livestock:
 Invited Susan Garey to come in to talk with us
 Harrington Raceway trip: either May 11th or May 18th (to be voted on by the club), behind-the-scenes tour of paddocks, training, and other places, $12-15 buffet dinner
o Pre-vet:
 Exotic vet expected to talk with us next week, the following week, or April 30th
 Philly Zoo trip either April 13th or April 20th (vote)
 UPenn vet panel later in the semester
o Service:
 Steve Cook’s farm this Sunday
 Webb farm cleanup TBA
 Park trail cleanup TBA
 Relay for Life on May 3rd. If you’d like to sign up still, please email me ( to sign up.
o Fundraising:
 Car Wash on April 12th or April 19th (vote)
 Hopefully will schedule a fundraiser at Grotto’s
o Social:
 A Sunday afternoon picnic when it gets warmer
 Possibly bowling at Blue Hen Lanes
 Banquet on May 21st at Kate’s

**Next meeting will be Wednesday, March 19th.
We will be meeting in 111 Memorial Hall at 6:00pm**

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 2/27/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. We had a little recap from NESA, congratulations to those who placed!

III. Committee events updates
o Pre-vet: Waiting on dates for a trip to the Philly Zoo as well as a visit from an exotic veterinarian
o Livestock: Waiting on a date for a tour of the new UD milking parlor
o Service: We are helping at Steve Cook’s farm on Sunday, March 16th. We will have sign-ups at an upcoming meeting.
o Fundraising: Anticipating a carwash when the weather gets warmer
o Social: Instead of a meeting in Memorial next week, we are holding a short meeting at California Tortilla and then a social dinner 

IV. Banquet
Our end of the year banquet is scheduled, so mark it on your calendars! It is on the last day of classes, Wednesday, May 21st. It will be at 6:00pm at Kate’s on Main Street.

V. Ag Day!
o Ag Day is on Saturday, April 26th, from 10am-4pm.
o The theme will be Sustaining Life from Soil to Sky.
o We are collecting T-shirt ideas now for the “Top 10 Reasons We Love Animal Science”. We also need a color scheme for the shirts. Please email Jen ( with any sayings/color ideas, and she can compile them and bring them to attention at upcoming meetings.
o We are planning on having dairy cattle, sheep, and chickens (plus a Blue Hen) at our site. Plus, Dr. Griffiths suggested we could possibly use her pigmy goats and possibly one of her horses for our display as well.
o We will check the posters from last year to see which ones can be reused, and plan to make new ones for this year.
o We are also planning on having demonstrations throughout the day including sheep sheering, sheep hoof trimming, and cow milking.
o Facepainting will be available for the kids.
o We will discuss and vote next week on whether or not we should make balloon animals as well.
o Remember, to be an active member of the club, you must help one shift at Ag Day. Signups will circulate at the meeting 2 weeks from now.

VI. We held nominations and elections for a new Social Chair position. Dan Lantz is now our new Social Committee Chair for the rest of the year, congratulations!

VII. There were three important announcements at the end of our meeting. They are as follows:
o Tomorrow, Thursday, February 28th, is the AgCC Ag Spring Social! There will be free pizza and soda, and everyone in the Ag College is invited. It will be in the Trabant Multipurpose Room B from 6:30-8:30pm, hope to see you there!
o Ag Ambassador applications are due this Friday, February 29th. Please bring them to 104 Townsend. If you have any questions, email Jen (
o PROUD is holding a fundraiser at Friendly’s (down South College Ave) on Tuesday, March 4th. The club needs at least 100 people to come purchase something, even if it is a soda or scoop of ice cream, to get proceeds. Please come out to help out your fellow club members Cheri and Rocket!

**Our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 5th at 6pm. Remember, we are meeting at California Tortilla on Main Street instead of Memorial Hall for a dinner meeting!**

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 2/20/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. We went over the requirements to be an active member. They are as follows:
o Members are required to attend at least 75% of the meetings each semester, unless extenuating circumstances prohibit attendance.
o All members must participate in at least one fundraising project and one community service activity each semester.
o Members must help with at least one shift at Ag Day (2 hours).
o Members must serve on at least one committee each semester.
o All members must pay dues.

III. Club Sweatshirts
We have to have a design and colors ready go by March 26th, so we can order them in time. If you have any ideas or suggestions for either, email Michelle ( and let her know what you think please.

IV. Club Newsletter
Stacy and Michelle released the rough copy for our club newsletter. The club revised it and it is now almost ready to go!

V. Constitution
Attached to this same email is the current club constitution with comments on it. We are planning on voting about these changes at next week’s meeting. Please read over it, and email Jen ( with any comments or concerns.

VI. Kickball Tourney
AgCC is sponsoring a kickball tournament, and we are going to try to put together a team or two to compete! We can make our own shirts and go up against other clubs to make Animal Science Club proud! Date and time to be announced at a later date.

VII. Ag Day T-shirts
We decided that the colors for the Ag Day shirts will be brown with light blue writing. If you have ideas or feelings on this, email Marissa ( and let her know!

VIII. Committee reports and upcoming events
o Livestock: Susan Garey volunteered to talk to us and take us to the Delaware Racetrack for a behind-the-scenes look. Also, we are scheduling a tour of UD’s new milking parlor.
o Service: We will be helping Steve Cook at his farm again this March on either the 15th or 16th. We will also have a speaker from AgrAbility come talk to us. Later in May, a possible clean-up of Webb Farm is in order and/or a White Clay Creek clean up. Also, there is interest in Relay for Life on May 3rd.
o Pre-Vet: An exotic vet is planning on coming to talk with us in March, possibly followed by a surgeon. Also, the Philly Zoo trip is being planned as well as the UPenn vet panel.
o Fundraising: Plans for a Car Wash are scheduled for April sometime, as well as maybe a fundraiser at Ag Day or on Main Street.
o Social: The meeting on March 5th is going to be a dinner-meeting somewhere close. We will vote on the location next week, so think of places you’d like to go! Also, we were thinking about having a movie night, a picnic when it gets warmer, a bowling or ice skating night, and/or and ice cream social. Lots of fun things coming up!

**Our next meeting will be Wednesday, February 27th. It will be held in the old room MEMORIAL 111 at 6:00pm. Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Animal Science Club Minutes 2/13/08

I. Treasurer’s Report:

II. We went over the requirements to be an active member. They are as follows:
o Members are required to attend at least 75% of the meetings each semester, unless extenuating circumstances prohibit attendance.
o All members must participate in at least one fundraising project and one community service activity each semester.
o Members must help with at least one shift at Ag Day (2 hours).
o Members must serve on at least one committee each semester.
o All members must pay dues.

III. Tentative events for Spring ’08 were discussed. So far…
o Livestock: Delaware Park Races on a Sunday afternoon; Tour of the UD Dairy milking parlor
o Service: Steve Cook trip in March or May; AgrAbility Speaker; White Clay Creek clean-up
o Fundraising: Car wash on a weekend in April
o Pre-vet: Trip to the Philly Zoo with behind the scenes; UPenn Vet student panel
o Social: Dinner at Ali Baba or on Main Street
o Other: Possibly a bowling night

IV. Ag Day!
o Will be held on April 26th, from 10am-4pm so write it on your calendars!
o Set-up will start at 9am, and clean-up will go until 5pm.
o Shifts are 2 hours long each: 9-11am, 11-1pm, 1-3pm, 3-5pm.
o This year’s theme is: Sustaining Life from Soil to Sky
o We will have sheep (shearing and hoof trimming), a dairy cow (milking) and dairy calf, and chickens.
o We will use some old posters from past Ag Days, but we will have to make a few more – including one on the new UD milking parlor.
o We will also have face painting and possibly balloon animals (Dan Lantz is willing to teach those who want to make balloon animals).
o We are also getting t-shirts made, with the theme “Top 10 Reasons You Know You are an Animal Science Major”. Think of suggestions for reasons and bring them to later meetings for voting and/or discussion, because we need to have a final design by 3/19.
o Remember, to be an active member in the club, you must help one shift!

V. End of the year banquet
The banquet will be held this year at Kate’s on Main Street again because it worked out so well there last year. It will either be held the last day of classes, 5/21, or the Friday beforehand, 5/16, so keep your schedules open 
More information to be announced on a later date.

VI. Club Sweatshirts
Since there is an interest in Animal Science Club sweatshirts, we should decide on a design by March 26th. They will be black with bright/light blue writing, with our club name on the front and a design on the back. The design is up for debate, so bring your ideas to the next couple meetings or email them to Michelle at

VII. Constitution revisions
The club constitution is currently being revised, and it must be done by this spring. Each change that is made must be voted upon by the whole club, so we will begin to vote and discuss changes in the upcoming meetings. When it is completed, I will send out a completely revised copy.

If you are attending NESA, remember that we are leaving Friday, February 22nd at 4pm from Lot 19. So far, Katie K, Dan L, Sarah M, and Lorna D can drive – if you can drive, please let me know at We will return around lunchtime on Sunday, February 24th.

Our meeting time has changed to 6:00pm!

So, our next meeting will be Wednesday, February 20th at 6pm in Memorial 122. There will be committee meetings. (If you aren’t in a committee yet, you can join one then.)

And don’t forget to check out our site: